How to treat thrush when lactation

How to treat thrush when lactation

The appearance of thrush is promoted by yeast-like mushrooms Candida. This disease causes discomfort, pain. With proper treatment, the thrush passes rather quickly, but during the lactation period a woman is contraindicated to use most drugs (they enter the child's body through milk, reduce immunity, have a negative impact in general). Therefore, the treatment of thrush in a nursing mother has some features.

In women, Candida fungus most often amazes the genitals, and in nursing mothers - nipples. At the same time, burning pain occurs inside the mammary glands, on the surface of the nipples, which is enhanced with each feeding. Sometimes women simply stop feeding baby breasts so as not to suffer.

Regardless of the location of the dislocation, local drugs should be applied to the affected area. Oral drugs are not recommended for lactation. Before starting treatment, the diagnosis must be confirmed by the doctor after inspecting and carrying out the necessary analyzes. Independently appoint itself treatment is rather not worth it, because there are other diseases, whose symptoms are similar to the manifestation of thrush. In addition, it is necessary to find out the reason for the appearance of the candidiasis so that in parallel with treatment to carry out recurrence.

Usually antibiotics are used to treat candidiasis, they allow you to get rid of the disease pretty quickly. Of course, when lactation, it is undesirable to apply this group of drugs, but in the threat of a child's infection and to prevent the spread of the fungus can use ointments based on antibiotics. For example, pimafucine preparation can be appointed (a group of tetraen antibiotics, active substance of natamycin. It is effective against various fungal diseases, including candidiasis; Produced in the form of ointments, tablets. The instructions include that during pregnancy and lactation this drug can be used in any form, but it is better to give preference to ointments.

With vaginal candidiasis during the lactation, the Terezhinin preparation is prescribed in the form of tablets. It has antifungal, antibacterial effect. We introduce the drug in the vagina for 1 tablet per day before bedtime. It also has a local action, since it is not accepted orally, therefore there is no contraindications for use during breastfeeding. However, in its composition there is a prednisone - a hormonal component, but its number is minor.

Often, women resort to the means of traditional medicine for the treatment of thrush during breastfeeding period, as they fear to use drugs, do not risk harming the baby. A rather effective method of treating candidiasis is the usual soda. It should be prepared with a warm soda solution (2 tsp of soda on the floor-liter of water), which is precipitated several times a day affected areas, knead them after the procedures with water. This treatment method is fully safe for mother and child. Its only its disadvantage is a longer period of treatment: approximately 5 days.

If you have found signs of thrush, you should not pull with treatment. The first and most important step is to visit the doctor and establishing the correct diagnosis, and then can be treated by folk remedies or according to the recommendations of the doctor. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to check whether it helped - to re-visit the doctor and pass the tests. If necessary, treatment is repeated in a month. Do not risk the health of the kid and your own, do not start the disease, because it can deliver you a lot of trouble.

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the Rose 04/26/2016 at 13:57

Thanks for the detailed description!

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Darya 19/08/2020 at 23:46.

By the way, I didn't have anything by the way, but after a whistle began with a thrush ... For several months to fight her.

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Oksana 26/08/2020 at 0:34.

I also fought for a long time with the thrush, but this is due to the fact that I did not go to the doctor and I thought myself. But it was possible only to get rid of the symptoms, and the problem was essentially did not go anywhere. But then I got after all the same to the doctor, which in addition to the antifungal drug prescribed me a lactoicer in the second stage to restore the microflora. And only after this treatment about the thrush I forgot !!

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