Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

The onset of pregnancy largely depends on the lifestyle and method of contraception. It is believed that it is impossible to become pregnant during the menstrual cycle, because the non-secretive meter throws off the shell in the form of dead cells with bleeding. Is it really so easy?

Pregnancy comes when the spermatozoon will meet an egg and fertilize her. Such a sudden date may occur solely during the period of ovulation - the ripening of the polyp and isolating the egg. A healthy female organism "produces" the life-gate cells regularly, in the interval 21 35 days.

The date of conception is calculated quite primitively, alleged ovulation falls exactly in the middle between the monthly. The period of waiting is called menstrual cycle, countdown Which begins on the first day of the last menstruation and ends similarly. That is, if the gap between the beginning monthly before the onset of new is 28 days, then judging onondskeva, ovulation takes place on day 14, after which the egg cell walks 2 days in search of a spermatozoa and dies. A few days later it comes out of the sexual system.

There is a period of menstruation, therefore, there is no egg cell, it is impossible to get pregnant. Why then 60% of pregnant women assure that conception occurred during menstruation? The answer is simple. In the body of women there is a degradation, or so to speak - Failure of the hormonal system. Considering the peculiar features, the cycle can be reduced, as a result of which the pregnancy occurs, because the spermatozoic is alive 5 7 days.

 Even if you have learned to determine the period of ovulation of your body, then you should not forget that changes may occur against the background of the disease, infection, after childbirth or abortion. There is also a moment as spontaneous ovulation, when several cells ripen simultaneously. Such a turning point can be caused by an emotional splash or a strong orgasm.

V The last days of monthly danger becomes pregnant factor of, a first - practically zero. Weak allocations form a passage to exit an egg, and if a spermatozoon is on the way, the probability of subsequent fertilization is 90 %.

As it turned out, get pregnant in the period of menstruation maybeTherefore, it is not necessary to be guided exclusively to the calendar planning of "safe" days. Use additional contraception in the form of a condom or tableted preparations.

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