Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation

Pregnancy in the first days after menstruation is unlikely, but it is possible. There are cases when pregnancy occurred even during menstruation. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female organism.

Ohino-Knaus method

The possibility of unscheduled pregnancy in the "safe" days of the monthly cycle concerns women using the calendar prevention method, which is also called the Ohino-Knaus method. The main principle is the definition of the presumptive day of ovulation and abstaining from sex contacts to the so-called "dangerous" days.

According to the classic model, the eggs ovulates by 13-14 days from the start of menstruation at a 28 day monthly cycle. Therefore, it is recommended to exclude sexual intercourse 5 days before the exit of the egg and within 1 day after this event. However, the cycle can be both 22 days and 35 days, and not always the woman correctly calculates the desired date. Yes, and ovulation is optionally occurring at the same time from month to month.

The change in the period of the ovulatory phase affects:

  • changing climatic conditions;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • reception of drugs;
  • frequent change of time poles and long-term flights;
  • hard diet.

If you do not plan to pregnancy, then use the natural method is recommended when it is the only possible:

  • women during lactation, if menstruation came until the completion of breastfeeding;
  • with individual latex intolerance and intrauterine spiral;
  • when prohibiting the reception of oral contraceptives for health.

Causes of pregnancy after menstruation

There are several common causes of pregnancy in the first days of discontinuation of the discharge:

  • A short monthly cycle is 22 days and less. In this case, ovulation occurs already on 8-9 days after the start of menstruation. If the duration of the selection is about a week - the pregnancy is more than likely when sex in the first 1-2 days after menstruation.
  • Good sperm quality. The average spermatozoa dies in the fallopian medium for 3 days, but there are such livelists, which in a favorable environment live up to 7 days. In this case, pregnancy is possible, even if we exclude sexual acts 5 days before ovulation.
  • Unregular menstrual cycle - frequent delays or early arrival of menstruation. It is difficult to predict the exit of the egg, since ovulation occurs every time in different days.
  • Owlings of several eggs per cycle. This is a rather rare phenomenon that is caused by genetic predisposition.
  • Blood allocations are not menstrual. Various diseases can cause bloody discharge from the vagina, which the woman is mistakenly accepting for menstruation. In this case, the calculation of the estimated duty of ovulation will be incorrect, and pregnancy may come.

How to avoid unplanned pregnancy

If a woman for certain reasons do not suit other types of protection, you can protect yourself and with the help of a natural way. To do this, adhere to such recommendations:

  • Pay attention to the nature of the menstrual discharge: if their abundance and duration does not change from the cycle in the cycle, then most likely ovulation occurs in the same day. The change in the nature of the selection signals about some violations in the body, it is possible, there is a hormonal failure. It can provoke an early onset of the ovulatory phase.
  • Measure basal temperature, it will fight from errors in the calculations.
  • Use tests for ovulation if you have suspicion of changing the menstrual cycle.

Numerous unplanned pregnancies show that there are no such days of the menstrual cycle when sexual contact cannot lead to conception. There is always a certain risk, so it is better to choose a more reliable method of protection than to determine the estimated day of ovulation.

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