What day after menstruation can be pregnant

What day after menstruation can be pregnant

The physiology of the female reproductive system is very complex. But everyone should know its main aspects for the correct layout of pregnancy. These knowledge can be used in order to prevent it. Knowing what day after menstruation can be pregnant, the pair can use it for the purpose of highly efficient calendar contraception.

Changes in the ovaries that contribute to pregnancy

The ovary is a female pair sexual, in which there are, ripen and ovulate egg cells. This process is repeated every monthly cycle, during which only one egg cell can be matured and allocated. This whole process passes several phases.

It all starts with a folliculine phase, during which a follicle-stimulating hormone is produced in the pituitary. Under its influence begins to ripe the egg cell. When it ripe enough and came to the ovarian capsule, ovulation occurs.

During ovulation, the mature egg falls into the abdominal cavity near the uterine tube fringe. Then she begins his way in the uterine tube in the direction of the uterus. Meeting of spermatozoa and eggs occurs in the lumen of the uterine tube. The fertilized egg continues to move, and implanted in the endometrium of the uterus.

How to calculate the day after menstruation in which you can get pregnant

Each woman has an individual monthly cycle. Normally, its duration ranges from 21 to 35 days. If menstruation is repeated regularly, the ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The cycle must be counted from the first day of menstruation. With a cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on 14 days.

After the onset of ovulation, the egg lerses up to 24 hours. Sperm cells are able to live to 72 hours. With this data, you can calculate the maximum number of days during which pregnancy may occur. From the planned day of ovulation, it is necessary to take 3 days, which are able to live in the genitals of the spermatozooid woman. And add 1 day that lives an egg. In this way, you can calculate 5 days of the monthly cycle when you can get pregnant.

Remember that this calculation method works only in those women who have the right menstrual cycle. And do not forget that there is always the likelihood of his violation. In this case, you need to immediately turn to the gynecologist.

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