How to calculate ovulation

How to calculate ovulation

At the preparatory stage of the planning of the kid, there is a completely natural question: "How to determine a favorable time to conceive?". The fertilization of the egg is possible only in one single day of the month, which is directly related to the time of the onset of ovulation. Today we will tell you how to determine the "Iks Hour" yourself.

What is ovulation

Ovulation is called the release of ripened eggs from a follicle for fertilization with sperm. The life of a capable egg is 24 hours. To date, there are a number of ways to determine the cherished date, but even the control of ultrasound will not be able to fully certify you that ovulation took place. After all, the deviations in the development of an egg cell can affect - diet, reception of hormonal drugs, stress, diseases, hormonal failure, etc. In addition to the basic methods of determining, gynecologists allocate indirect signs of the occurrence of the ovulatory phase - the appearance of abundant mucous drugs and the presence of other abdomen.

How to calculate ovulation by the calendar method

Menstruation (lat. Month) - rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus wall, accompanied by bleeding. The first day of the appearance of blood discharge is considered the beginning of the menstrual cycle. To calculate its duration, it is necessary to make marks from the first day of the beginning of the bleeding until the first day of the onset of the following. We calculate the approximate date of the exit of the egg - by the first day of the beginning of the period you need to add the duration of the menstrual cycle and take away from the figures received 13 days ago.

It is important - by virtue of physiology, the arrival of ovulation is possible for 2-3 days earlier or later received the date. But, if you consider that after hitting a spermatozoa to the uterine cavity, he can wait for "meetings" with an egg to 4 days, planning conception is needed within 5 days.

How to calculate ovulation - measurement of basal temperature

There is an additional way to find out the arrival of ovulation - produce daily measurements of basal temperature. The final indicators will fully depend on the occurring phase:

  • At the ripening stage, the basal temperature has low indicators, about 35.8 - 36.3 degrees.
  • During ovulation, there is a sharp jump raise from 37.2 to 37.5 degrees. If menstrual bleeding has not come, and the basal temperature remains steadily at high indicators for 15 days, it is possible with a probability of 90%, to judge the successful occurrence of pregnancy.

We remind you that the diagnosis is carried out every morning without getting out of bed. For measurements it is better to use a mercury thermometer, holding his tip in the rectum for 5-7 minutes.

How to determine ovulation test

Excellent assistants in the diagnosis of ovulation are modern tests manufactured in various forms. The principle of their work is identical to pregnancy tests, but the only difference between them in responding to different hormones.

  • During the release period of ripened egg in the female body rises latinizer Hormone, to which the strip immediately reacts and issues a positive result.
  • Test strip - has a tissue layer impregnated with a reagent located on a plastic substrate. For holding you need to lower the strip in the urine for 5-6 seconds and wait for the final result. The arrival of the onset of ovulation is the manifestation of 2 red lines.
  • Cassette test - intended mainly for women with regular failures in the menstrual cycle. To issue a result of a reagent one drop of urine, it is very convenient, because you do not have to collect liquid into a separate container. The arrival of ovulation is the manifestation of the reagent in the form of two bright red lines on the display.
  • How to determine the first day of testing - take away 10 days from the day of the menstrual cycle. For example, if the full cycle is 24 days, then 24-10, it will turn out 14 day of the cycle - this is the first day of starting testing.

Thus, 5-6 hours before the launch of the egg in the abdominal cavity, you can already know that today your body is fully prepared for fertilization. The accuracy of the test is high and reaches about 95%.

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