No ovulation what to do

No ovulation what to do

The prerequisite for the offensive of natural pregnancy is ovulation. Even in the lap of the mother in the ovaries of girls, about 1 million follicles with eggs are laid. But only 1% of them ovulate throughout the entire reproductive period of a woman. Some childbearing girls do not ripen and the yield of the egg. The diagnosis "ovulatory dysfunction" makes it impossible to conceive a child without interference from the outside.

Causes of lack of ovulation

It is usually no ovulation in pregnant women and nursing women, as well as during menopause (climax). The remaining factors are pathological. Among them can be called:

  • Female infectious diseases.
  • Excess or insufficient weight.
  • Deviations in the endocrine system affecting the hormonal background of women.
  • Venestic diseases.
  • Stress and large physical exertion.
  • Genetic predisposition.

How to diagnose the absence of ovulation

The reason for concern should be the wrong occurrence of pregnancy for one and a half years. To make sure that ovulation does not occur, you can measure basal temperature at home or use pharmacy tests to determine ovulation. These procedures should be carried out in several cycles.

The gynecologist will suggest to pass laboratory surveys, that is, to pass blood on hormones, HIV, syphilis, general urine analysis, vaginal strokes, etc. Perhaps you have to go through it more than once.
A clearer picture gives repeated ultrasound monitoring. Approximately 8-12 days of the cycle (depending on the duration of the cycle), a doctor every 2-3 days assesses the state of the uterus, ovaries and follicles and conclude. According to its results, the treatment plan is drawn up.

Methods of recovery of ovulation

If the cause of the absence of ovulation is not in excess weight and stress, the drug stimulation is prescribed by hormonal drugs. This is clomiphene citrate, duphaston, clostilbyt. The gynecologist monitors the growth and development of follicles. When one of them becomes 20-25 mm in size, a hCG injection is assigned. After that, after a day, ovulation should occur.

Popular methods and folk methods for recovery of ovulation are popular.

  • Seeds of plantain. A tablespoon of seeds pour with a glass of cold water, and then bring to a boil. After 40 minutes, the decoction is strain and take four times a day on a tablespoon.
  • The estrogen-contained estrogen contained in Salfa and Lipa influence the female organism. To cook the decoction, take on the tablespoon of each herb and fill them with 200 ml of steep boiling water. After cooling, drink the medicine on the tablespoon three times a day from the 5th to the 15th day of the cycle. And thus for 3 months.
  • Therapeutic dirt struggles with inflammatory processes, restores the reproductive function.

During treatment, avoid stressful situations, lead an active lifestyle, adjust the power mode. And in your house will definitely sound children's laughter.

Comments leave a comment
Lena 06/16/2018 at 13:20

For some reason, everyone forget about the basic cause of climax. We also, how, first, the ladies want to build a career, and then give birth to 40. So the author fully agrees that the absence of ovulation in the mature age-first sign of Klimaks. In general, I do not understand why it is so afraid and associated with aging. I generally feel myself with a raft)) - I accept biodoabasks (cyclim) and herbal teas-everything, it helps to fight with tides and insomnia. And in general, everything is the same, only there is no cycle)

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