Bleeding gums during pregnancy, what to do

Bleeding gums during pregnancy, what to do

Despite all the charm of pregnancy with an emotional and psychological point of view, this is a huge stress for the body, which is accompanied by many problems. One of these is the bleeding of the gums, the first step to the loss of one or more teeth.

Why pregnant women often bleed gums

As a rule, the gingivitis is becoming the reason for the bleeding of the gums in pregnant women, which is accompanied by redness and edema. The main sources of this problem may be several:

  • Insufficient attention to oral hygiene, dental flare;
  • Accumulation of microbial laid;
  • Lack of calcium and other trace elements or vitamins;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Changing the composition of saliva.

What to do if the buction of gums

The first thing that the future mother should make, noticing the bleeding of the gum, is to make an appointment with the leading gynecologist and a dentist. A specialist will be able to estimate the degree of the disease, determine the reasons, if necessary, assume analysis and will give recommendations.

Treatment of bleeding gums

Treatment, which is prescribed by a dentist, usually lasts at least 10 days and includes the yield of the oral cavity, possibly a shift of the toothpaste, the applications for the gum and the course of vitamin and mineral complexes, if necessary. During treatment, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible and refuse:

  • Sweet drinks;
  • Cookies and candies;
  • Solid products that will further injury gums.

Selection of toothpaste

Many manufacturers offer special toothpastes, they prevent the gum bleeding and remove inflammation. To their choice, it is necessary to approach individually and remember that these means only maintain the oral cavity in the normal state, but do not provide a proper healing effect. It is important to draw attention to the composition, no one of the components in a woman should not be allergies.

Phytotherapy in the treatment of bleeding

Some medicinal plants are widely used in dentistry, they have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effect:

  • Oak bark. To prepare a decoction, 5 tablespoons of the cortex are added to 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil 5-7 minutes. The decoction is equipped and putting the mouth 2 times a day.
  • Chamomile. A dessert spoonful chamomile is poured with a cup of boiling water and insist about 30 minutes in a thermos, after which they are filled and cozen. A decoction woves your mouth before each meal.
  • Sage. 2 tablespoons of the sage are poured with 0.5 liters of hot water and breed at least 30 minutes, the decoction is filtering and putting the mouth 2 times a day.

Prevention of bleeding

To prevent the recurrence of this unpleasant problem or to prevent it at all, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • Teeth should be cleaned 2 times a day, and after each meal is required to rinse with conventional water or special means. This will help prevent the formation of plaque and accumulation of microbes.
  • Correct the diet, add products containing calcium, and remove sugar.
  • Toothbrush should be with a soft bristle and, of course, individual.

The bleeding of the gum is a common problem among pregnant women, but this does not mean that it is normal. And both any other pathology, the bleeding of the gum must be treated immediately, especially now that not only the health of the woman depends on this, and the life of the baby.

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