Blood blasting what to do

Blood blasting what to do

Nature so arranged our body that he necessarily informs us of any of his "faults". Only the view of the message chooses different: on some we react instantly, while others can ignore for years, for example, the bleeding of the gums. However, whether this is right than it faces such a fortune and how to fix the situation - this will be discussed in our article.

Why bleeding gums

In fact, the reasons to signal the bleeding of the gums in the body is enough, and the scale of their significance is also quite wide. For example, the most banal causal factor is a mechanical damage to the gums due to too diligent cleaning of teeth using a rigid toothbrush. The most common - plaque and dental stone, resulting from poor mouth cavity. Also, the gums can also respond to diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, diabetes, ARVI), receiving some drugs or disadvantages in the body of vitamins (C, K, E, B).

What is the danger of bleeding gums

Despite the fact that the bleeding (especially in the initial stages) is visible only when cleaning the teeth and is not accompanied by a painful symptom, it is impossible to underestimate. In most cases, it is a manifestation of gum (gingivitis) disease, which, when ignoring or incorrect treatment, can lead to more serious states, which can already be confidently called problems: inflammation penetration further by tissues (periodontitis), the addition of purulent complications, the formation of abscesses and fistula, Sharing and falling out teeth.

Principles of treatment of bleeding gums

As with any disease, the main principle of treatment of bleeding gums - elimination of the cause. And better, if you do not install this reason, and the specialist is the dentist. He will appoint you an adequate treatment for your state: the replacement of the brush, the complex of polyvitamins or in the case of a disease that is not associated with the oral cavity will send to the appropriate profile specialist. But most often the treatment of bleeding the gums begins with the removal of plaque and the dental stone, because it is this reason that the dentists see in the inspection of the oral cavity. Rinsing, power correction, ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory properties, antibiotics can be assigned as additional therapy.

Meals for bleeding gums

The correctly chosen diet can have a positive effect on the gum in several ways. For example, from the inside, amazing the vitamin reserves of the body. So, in order to increase stocks of vitamin C, run on cabbage and green onions, spinach and celery, citrus and currant, parsley and citrus, vitamin B - on apples and asparagus, milk and eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal, meat (beef, lamb) and garlic. No less important for gum vitamins RP, E and K, which are in abundance are contained in legumes, liver, yeast, vegetable oil, dairy products, bananas, pumpkins, carrots, avocado. However, I especially want to mention carrot juice, which is considered an ideal drink when problems with gums. Also try to consume vegetables and fruits in the raw form - this is another way to make gums healthier, massaging them when eating.

Folk recipes when bleeding gums

"Workings" of traditional medicine in the form of rinsings can be used as a means of additional exposure. Especially effective in this regard are St. Justice, sage, blueberry and oak bark. St. John's wort is applied in the form of infusion: let's break 2-3 tbsp. l. Dry herbs in a glass of boiling water and add the infusion obtained into water for rinsing (25 ml per 100 ml of water). Blueberries can be used in the form of a decoction or infusion. For the decoction, 15-20 berries need to promire 10 minutes, for infusion, just pour boiling water the leaves of the plant (15 g of 2 tbsp.). To improve the gums with the help of the bark of oak, lean in 0.4 liters of water 200 g of the cortex, let it brew half an hour and in a fluent form wechit the mouth cavity. There are also reviews that the black radish juice is fighting with a dental flaw, and with bleeding, a mixture of horseradish juice and red wine (2 h. Per 200 ml, respectively).


What to look for in a pharmacy when bleeding gums

Farmindustria also has many proposals for improving the state of the gums that can be used if the bleeding gums. The most famous of them are: Holisap, asepta, Kamistad, Metrogil Denta. Hisp is a drug with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect, from the listed - the most expensive. Metrogil Denta also includes an antibiotic and antiseptic, quickly acts and pleasant to taste. Asepta, in addition to therapeutic, has a refreshing effect. The Kamistad relieves inflammation well and has a restoring effect on gums. The last three drugs are in the same price category.

Given all the above, we recommend that you do not let the gum bleeding problem and necessarily make every effort to keep your gums and healthy teeth. At the same time we remind you that you need to start your way to solve this problem with a visit to the dentist - in this case you are still not a minute. Therefore, it is better to periodically undergo a cleaning procedure from the dental stones than to restore the teeth themselves.

Comments leave a comment
Milena 12/13/2015 at 16:49

And if you do not gel and ointment use? I do not like them, maybe someone will advise some rinsing? I am more handy with them.

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    Natella 14/12/2015 at 14:59

    There is a solution of a periodontalocide, he is therapeutic and fairly effective. Even in the series with this title there is a rinse and spray. In general, every taste. I use mortar - it helps very well. And that impresses, on herbs and there are no harmful components in the composition.

    To answer
Ella 14/12/2015 at 18:13

And I trust the Stomatophist more. You know, how many years already, this means is saving. A little launcher begins to bleed, I immediately finish the mouth of the goat. And you know, helps just perfectly. And the composition is good, herbal.

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Olga 04/15/2018 at 9:57.

I have become strongly bleeding gums? What to do?

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