Pus in the tooth what to do

Pus in the tooth what to do

Pump in the teeth indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, which is caused by penetration into the pulp pathogenic microorganisms. Infection may occur due to the overall weakening of immunity, unbearable or poorly cured caries, stressful situations. It feels very strong toothaches, so you need to know how to remove the pussy to the trick to the dentist.

Causes of pus in the tooth

The presence of a purulent process in a dental pulp, as a rule, speaks about purulent pulpit or about the development of dental granuloma. The purulent pulpitis, or inflammation of the dental nerve, is observed with the damage to the vascular-nerve beam inside the tooth. The body responds to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms to the production of leukocytes, which further leads to the accumulation of purulent exudate tooth in the cavity. With this disease, an acute dental pain is felt, which, as increasing, begins to "shoot" in the ears, throat, head, part of the face. At the same time, it is impossible to determine how tooth yourself hurts.

Granuloma is a small purulent bag in the root of the tooth, resembling the cyst. Disease for a long time can not be felt anything and proceed asymptomatic. At an early stage, it can recognize a dentist in the treatment of other dental diseases. Granuloma is clearly visible on the pictures of radiography and has the appearance of a small round knot.

With this disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Paints in the field of a certain tooth, more often in the morning or during food chewing.
  • Gray hue enamel.
  • Increase body temperature.
  • The edema of the gums next to the granuloma.
  • The formation of a fistulous passage and an outflow from it purulent exudate.

How to treat

In the case of a purulent pulpitis, it will not be possible to remove the pus, because it is locked inside the tooth and presses the nerve endings. You can reduce pain analgesics, but the sooner you consult a dentist's doctor, the better.

To reduce inflammation and stop the spread of infection in the pulpitis, the following methods from traditional medicine are recommended:

  • Make a longitudinal slice of the scarlet sheet and attach a juicy side to the gum. You can lay a cotton swab in the cheek to fix the plant.
  • Hold the mouth with a strong infusion of chicory, for this pour the dry root of the plant with a glass of boiling water.
  • Put on the tooth of the propolis, cover with a cotton disk and give away opposite teeth. Keep at least 20 minutes.

With granuloma, the pus can independently exit the root of the tooth, so the following recipes will help to remove inflammation and even cure the disease:

  • Weching the mouth with a solution of soda - a teaspoon on a glass of water, every 15-20 minutes. It displays the pus and removes the inflammation of a cotton swab with soda: take a cotton disk, moisten it with warm water and pour a little soda for the middle, roll up and lay the cheek to the sick tooth.
  • Infusion of AIR and propolis for rinsing: 30 grams of dry root of the plant pour half-time vodka and remove in a dark place for 2 weeks. Do the same with 30 grams of propolis. Then strain and mix the infusions as follows: on a teaspoon of AIRA - 2 teaspoons of propolis. Get the mouth for 3 minutes several times a day.

Granuloma is treated with drug-based methods - the doctor is appointed a course of antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. Before that, the tooth is disclosed and channel clearance. A temporary seal with a medicine is laid, which, after disappearing, the granuloma changes permanent.

With any problems with the teeth, especially with the allocation of the pus, it is best to immediately sign up for a dentist's doctor. Folk treatment methods will help to stop the spread of infection and facilitate pain, but they should be considered as a temporary measure. Without dental treatment, the disease can go into a chronic shape, the pain is almost not felt, but the destruction of the tooth continues, which leads to its full loss.

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Roma (beloved) 02/25/2019 at 1:07.

And if I am afraid because of the mental illness, according to the second group of disability? How to deal with a clinic and treatment and if it is too expensive, and I have no work anywhere, there is no money, even for the removal of 150 rubles in the state dentistry (now 2500 rubles) ...

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