The tooth of wisdom inflamed what to do

The tooth of wisdom inflamed what to do

Many of us know what is a toothache and how it can interfere in everyday life. But worse it becomes when the tooth of wisdom begins to hurt. At the same time, I do not want to eat, it's hard to sleep, and any home care becomes torture. Therefore, you need to timely and correctly solve this problem.

What is a tooth wisdom

The teeth of wisdom are those teeth that finish the dental of the adult and become 8 to the account. Therefore, often the tooth of wisdom is called simply eight. Most often, such teeth grows in people aged 18 to 25 years, but it happens that they do not appear at all throughout life. The term of their appearance depends only on the individual characteristics of a person. The people it is supposed to be that these teeth received their name precisely because they germinate much later than all the rest and at the age when a person already has a luggage knowledge and is able to come wisely.

Problems for teething tooth wisdom

In teething, wisdom teeth arise such problems:

  1. Pain. This is an integral part of the teet of absolutely any teeth, but especially the big discomfort causes the teething tooth of wisdom.
  2. Inflammation. The main reason for inflammation is germination of eights on the place where dairy teeth never had, or not in the direction. As a result, there is a dissection of gums, and swelling of various sizes are formed.
  3. Pericoroid. This means entering pieces of food or microorganisms under the hood not yet cut tooth. As a result, inflammation is formed, which leads to damage to the adjacent tissues or to the purulent abscess.

What to do with inflammation

The germination of the tooth of wisdom is almost always without any problems, so you need to be very wary and attentive in this matter. The very first thing when discovering unpleasant signs, we appeal to the dentist who makes X-ray and finds out whether the tooth grows correctly. If the x-ray and inspection will show that the tooth cannot be saved, and his condition will deteriorate, most likely the doctor will advise you to get rid of him. If the inflammatory process began, then in most cases the doctor will prescribe a simple rinse with solutions.

Before visiting the Dental Cabinet, in no case should the place of inflammation can be warm, as the infection can even more spread.

Folk recipes for pain relief

If for some circumstances you can not soon visit the doctor, then there are several folk recipes for pain relief. They will help at least time to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Chamomile + Med.

Insist on a water bath 3 tbsp. Chamomile, faster and add 2 tbsp. l. Honey. Mix the decoction and welts them the mouth of the oral cavity.

Chamomile + Sage + Calendula

Mix all herbs 1 tbsp. l. And fill them with a 200 g of boiling water. Inhabit herbs for 15 minutes. When the decoction cools, we write inflamed places several times a day.

Soda + iodine

We are divorced in a glass of warm water 1 tsp. Soda and 1 drop iodine. Carefully wrap your mouth every 10-15 minutes. Consider that iodine should enhance pain in places of inflammation, thereby he will act as an antiseptic.

Instead of folk recipes, you can use a painkillers that can be bought at the pharmacy. Before buying it, it is best to consult.

The inflammation of the tooth of wisdom is a very serious and important problem. You should never neglect the signs of inflammation that appeared with you and turn to the dentist. I do not need to do with self-treatment in this matter.

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