Varicosis during pregnancy, what to do

Varicosis during pregnancy, what to do

Varicosis is a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women. Future mothers complain of gravity in the legs, swelling, well-visible veins protruding over the skin surface. Varicose veins should not be left without attention! The disease is a danger due to its possible complications: thrombophlebitis, bleeding and trophic ulcers. The most serious complication is the emergence of a thrombus capable of tearing away at any time and representing the threat to the life of the mother and the child. That is why it is necessary to do everything possible to prevent the appearance of varicose veins, and if it is available, then cure it.

The occurrence of varicose varicosis during pregnancy

This disease is manifested in an uneven increase in the size of the vein, as well as the thinning of venous walls. Varicosis is observed in 20-40% of future mothers. As a rule, it appears in women predisposed to this disease, as well as the likelihood of its occurrence becomes more with each subsequent pregnancy. Varicose can manifest itself not only on the legs. It is possible to appear in the rear pass, on the sexual lips, vulva.

Prevention of varicose varicose and relief of its symptoms

During pregnancy, be sure to make the prevention of varicose veins, even if before that you never encountered this disease:

  • Prefer convenient low-heel shoes to provide a minimum load on the legs and their veins.
  • Refuse golf and stockings having tight gum. For the prevention, you can wear compression stockings with a density of no more than 70 Den, after consulting with your doctor.
  • Practice the adoption of a contrasting soul, go swimming if there is no medical contraindications.
  • Sleep try, lying on the left side, in such a position of the body of the uterus will put less on the vein, which is on the right.
  • Change your posture more often. Alternate active walking with a seat, for example, in a chair, as well as lying on a horizontal surface.
  • Do not throw your leg to foot when sitting.
  • Do not allow constipation. Eat 1,5-2 liters of fluid per day, for this purpose are suitable: mineral water, vegetable soups and fruit juices, as well as green tea.

Treatment of varicose during pregnancy

Futive mothers having varicose veins are preferably examined in specialized centers. Ask your obstetrician-gynecologist to the Flebog specialist. Only phlebologist will be able to choose the conservative treatment method, which will improve the state of your veins. To combat varicose veins, pregnancy apply:

  • Phlebotonics are venioning and venotonic pills.
  • Compression therapy is wearing special medicinal stockings or tights intended for pregnant women.
  • Local treatment with gels and ointments.

Pay attention to the efficient and safe method of combating varicose veins - compression stockings or tights that avoid increased pressure in the legs. With the help of the attending physician, determine which of them are better suitable for you. They are density: 100, 140 and 280 Den.

After childbirth, do not stop controlling the state of your veins, if necessary, carry out treatment, resorting to conservative or even surgical methods. However, based on statistics, after 3-5 months, the velocity state is most often normalized due to lower load on them. But do not forget to take preventive measures so that the disease does not return.

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