Varicose Gilip

Varicose Gilip

Varicosis in most associated with legs. This is due to the fact that this area is in plain sight and the blue convexities are difficult not to notice. But in fact, the problem can be exacerbated. Especially often found varicose veins in pregnant women. In this article we will introduce you closer with this ailment.

Pregnancy and varicose veins

Usually a woman in the position notes characteristic sipping and pain in the perineum, but does not pay attention to it. Closer to childbirth, severe pain and numbness of the germ lips may occur. When considering the authorities, you will see the discovering veins of blue. Also, the bulges are felt during palpation.

Varicose Gilip

Varicose sexy lips arises due to hormone imbalances, because now in the body more progestins and estrogen. In addition, the growing uterus squeezes veins in a small pelvis, so blood circulation deteriorates. If you have noticed varicose on your legs, and they sometimes swell you, pay attention to the crotch. Perhaps you have both varicose veils on sex lips. Of course, after the generation of the manifestation of varicose veins, they decrease, but unfortunately, the problem does not completely disappear. Stop sexual life in varicose veins are not necessary, unless, of course, sex is not accompanied by severe pain.

How to give birth to varicose

In most cases, the varicose veins of the sexual lips is not an indication to the cesarean section. With small manifestations you can give a natural way. You must examine the doctor and establish the severity of the ailment. With a strong discharge of veins, such a procedure as episiotomy is contraindicated. The doctor cannot know in advance about the need for crotch dissection, so the planned caesarean section is prescribed with a strong varicose veins.

How to reduce pain

In no case cannot rub sex lips. You need to take vitamin C, as it dilutes blood and helps to improve blood circulation. In addition, the reception of vitamin E is shown, it improves the elasticity of capillaries and vessels.

Varicose Gilip

To reduce pain, you can perform therapeutic gymnastics. Stand on all fours and lower your head on the pillow. It is necessary that the pelvis is above the head. So you provoke blood outflow. You can lie on the left side and adjust the knees, the pain will decrease.

Varicose Gilip

Pharmacy drugs

To reduce the manifestations of varicose veins, you can use drugs:

  • Phlebodia;
  • Lyoton;
  • Trocserutin;
  • Diosmin.

These are local ointment, which cooled the skin and paink it. Before using any of the drugs, consult a doctor, as some of the components may irritate the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Varicose Gilip

Compression underwear

Special underwear can be purchased at the pharmacy. Such products prevent the veins to protrude and prevent further development of the disease. Some pregnant are prescribed special stockings or tied up with elastic bandages. Sometimes they are shown childbirth in medical knit, it prevents the breakdown of veins and bleeding.

Varicose Gilip

Do not be discouraged and adjust yourself to a positive way. Practically 50% of women faces varicose veins during pregnancy, but after childbirth, the problem disappears.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 30/09/2015 at 18:24

I was prescribed phlebodia, because the varicose veins is so strong that there may be problems in childbirth. I really hope that this medicine will help.

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Darya 12/29/2015 at 14:31

Phlebodia generally need to be cutting if there are problems with veins. Because it calms them and does not allow for the formation of thrombam. I do not know how before women were treated, but now this is the most real means.

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    Lena 12/29/2015 at 16:09

    Previously, put leeches or bleeding. All in a row, the blood was allowed, it was considered normal. Naturally, it's easier to drink phlebodia on a tablet in a prayer than to suffer with these abandoned piques. But on the other hand, maybe natural methods are safer for the child. It seems to me that earlier children are healthier thanking.

    To answer
Nastya 01/17/2016 at 21:51

Heparin ointment is the same leeches. I smeared her all legs, no sense. It was even easier. Naturally, the doctor prescribed a pill. Phlebodia 600. convinced that there would be no harm. I dug a week, fleece. Threw. Again the legs are sick. Is it really possible to drink it for two months?

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Oksana 01/18/2016 at 15:27

Not allowed. And you need. I drink it constantly for two months, and my mother is so at all. The longer you drink, the better the veins are restored.

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