Varicose eggs in men

Varicose eggs in men

Varicocele (varicose eggs in men) is a disease that occurs at any age. At the same time, blood flow in the tissues of the scrotum is significantly slowed down, which becomes the cause of pain and infertility. For the first time, the disease is diagnosed during attempts to conceive a child, since in most cases the temperature is changed in a small pelvis, which leads to infertility.

Degree of illness

Severe four stages of the disease. The first, second and third degree of illness is unnoticed by the naked eye. At the initial degree of illness, even an experienced specialist during palpation does not detect anomalies. You can only see the violation on ultrasound. Starting from the second degree, the varicose eggs is detected during palpation.

Varicose eggs in men

The most interesting thing is that the blood flow in the scrotum in men occurs from the bottom up. Blood from the testicles falls into the heart. In this case, insufficient blood supply is found in a small pelvis. The testicles receive little oxygen, so the temperature in the scrotum increases, which leads to a violation of sperm production. As a result, the function of spermatozoa is suppressed, accordingly the infertility occurs.

Varicose eggs in men

Signs of illness:

  • scrotum pain;
  • constant feeling of gravity;
  • infertility.

In most cases, a man may not even guess that he has varicocele.

Varicose eggs in men

Methods of treatment

Surgical methods are considered the most effective, as they allow you to fully restore blood current in a small pelvis. Accordingly, the temperature of the testicles comes to normal, which contributes to the restoration of the critical function in men.

Varicose eggs in men

The operation can be carried out in such ways:

  • laparoscopy;
  • open operation;
  • method of Marmara.

Laparoscopy is considered the most advanced and less traumatic. In the process of intervention, the doctor introduces a probe to the scrotum with the camera and can fully control the process. With the help of mini-tools of veins, pinching the seed rope dissect. The doctor increases the clearance between them. Just after a day, the patient is released home. Through time, you need to do ultrasound to completely eliminate the occurrence of adhesions.

Varicose eggs in men

Open operation is now used rarely. Indeed, in the process of intervention, the scrotum and veins are dissected. Accordingly, a large scar remains. This increases the period of rehabilitation and the number of complications. MARMAR METHOD is something average between laparoscopy and an open operation. The surgeon makes a micro-section through which the dissection of veins is carried out.

Varicose eggs in men

If a man has children and he does not experience pain in the scrotum, the doctor may not assign operations. In order to improve blood flow in the testicles, it is necessary to wear free underwear, it is not allowed to squeezing the appendages of tight melting. If a man works in the office, then after every hour it is preferably a little like. It restores blood circulation. Huge influence on the course of the disease has smoking. Moderate physical exertion and proper nutrition are shown.

Varicose eggs in men

Reduce pain

To reduce painful sensations, you can use folk methods. Perfectly help with varicocele baths with nettle and wormwood. It is possible to reduce pain with herb beam. As the basis for making tea, the bark of oak, chestnut and root. These plants improve the blood supply to the scrotum. The compress from wormwood and sour cream will help get rid of pain.

Varicose eggs in men

Do not tighten with the operation if you have been appointed Surgeon. In most cases, timely treatment leads to complete recovery.

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