Stages of varicose and methods for its treatment

Stages of varicose and methods for its treatment

Varicose varicose veins is a common disease that manifests itself in the defeat of the walls of the vessels, their thinning and formation of nodes, impaired blood flow. Most often there is a varicosemost limb. In addition, the reticulinary varicose veins is distinguished, the expansion of the veins of the esophagus, the rectum, the small pelvis, the seed rope. This disease does not spare no women nor men. In the global medical community, six stages of varicose disease are officially accepted.

Initial (zero) stage of varicose

At the same time, a person feels the heaviness in the legs, even after small loads. Evenhes and pain, burning, night cramps appear. Visually or, according to the results of analyzes, diagnose the disease is not yet possible. Such symptoms may appear in young age.

First stage of varicose

The signs described above the appearance on the legs of the barely noticeable "stars", the vascular grid. An unpleasant feelings are enhanced by the evening.

Second stage varicose

By this time, it is not necessary to doubt the diagnosis. The number of nodes and bluish "stars" increases, the risk of blood clots appears.

Third stage varicose

There is a round-the-clock swelling of the lower limbs, which in the evening increases, and the morning decreases. Permanent pain.

Fourth stage varicose

The skin of the patient becomes dry, inflamed. Due to the high concentration of pigment, it acquires an abnormal purple or dark brown color, sometimes black. Formed venous clusters.

Fifth stage varicose

The presence of healing trophic ulcers is the main feature of this stage.

Six stage varicose stage

The latter phase is characterized by the presence of progressive trophic ulcers.

Varicose treatment

Choosing a complex of medical measures, it is necessary to navigate at what stage the disease is determined. At the initial and first stages, basic therapy is recommended, which is based on the reception of phlebotropic drugs and wearing compression knitwear. It is also impossible to neglect and prevent.

In other cases, radical treatment is shown, that is, surgical methods of different complexity that help narrow, remove or secure sick vessels:

  • Phlebectomy is carried out if the disease is very running. The doctor removes the affected area of \u200b\u200bvessels in three stages. As a result, normal blood flow is automatically restored on the deep vein.
  • Sclerotherapy - "bonding" veins with a special solution. The medicine through a thin needle is introduced to the patient directly into the vessel under the control of the ultrasound apparatus. This safe is not an operational process.
  • Laser coagulation veins passes under local anesthesia. Through special fiber, introduced into Vienna, the laser radiation passes, which clogs the vessel.
  • Radio frequency coagulation of veins is shown in the defeat of small and large parenteral veins. The principle of operation is similar to the laser method, only the active substance are ultra-high frequency.

So, remember that even insignificant signals of their body are not profitless. Varicosis is able to grow into more serious diseases. It is better to stop it at the initial stage and keep the legs healthy and beautiful.

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