Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities

A trophic ulcer is damage to the skin or mucous membrane that does not heal for a long time. The disease often recurns and exacerbates, and is also difficult to treat. To eliminate the problem forever, it is important to approach its solution comprehensively.

Why do trophic ulcers occur on the legs

The reasons for the formation of trophic ulcers can be various diseases and injuries. Consider all the reasons in order:

  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. These problems entail stagnation of blood, lack of nutrition for tissues and, as a result, the occurrence of an ulcer.
  • Hypertension, atherosclerosis. They lead to clogging of arteries, after which the tissues cease to receive oxygen and nutrition. As a result, cells die and trophic ulcers occur.
  • Diabetes. In case of non -compliance with the conditions of treatment, inflammation of the vessels provokes, which violates a full metabolism.
  • Skin diseases, injuries, frostbite, burns.
  • Wearing tight shoes.

Signs of a trophic ulcer

At the first symptoms of ulcers, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. This will quickly restore damaged areas and avoid complications. First, swelling occurs, the legs become “heavy”, it is worried about itching, burning, nightly convulsions. Later, vascular stars and purple spots appear, which gradually merge. Then the skin begins to peel off, a white plaque occurs. And finally - wounds with a crust are formed, from which a muddy fluid (blood or pus) oozes. Gradually, they merge and grow deeper, reaching the elements of connective tissue and muscles.

Treaty trophic ulcers

During the diagnosis, doctors are trying to determine the reason due to which the disease arose. Only then will the result be effective. The patient is examined by veins, bones, arteries, lymph vessels, conduct research on various devices. Subsequent treatment will depend on the cause of the disease. But there are mandatory methods of treatment that are used for trophic ulcers.

Local treatment

Doctors cleanse the wound of purulent contents, dead tissues, treat antiseptics and bandage damaged limbs. They can also prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, anti -inflammatory drugs and products that improve blood circulation.

Primary reception

Surgical intervention

It can be carried out in combination with local treatment. During the operation, doctors remove areas that are not amenable to restore, carry out shunting and, if necessary, dermoplasty.

Traditional medicine in the fight against trophic ulcers

The effectiveness of drug treatment significantly increases the use of folk remedies. But it is important to know that they can only be used when resolving a doctor. Consider several recipes.

Medicinal infusions

It is recommended to rinse the expressed hole with herbal infusions from calendula, celandine, chamomile or series. They eliminate inflammation and contribute to the formation of epithelium. On 1 tbsp. l. Dry herbs will need a glass of boiling water (but not acute). After 30 minutes, the product can be filtered and used.

Sodium -salt solution

Take 1 tbsp. l. salt and dissolve it in a liter of water. Fold gauze in 4 layers, moisten it in the resulting solution, squeeze it a little and put on the wound. Put compress paper on top. The duration of the procedure is 3 hours. It can be performed 2 times a day with a break of 3-4 hours. During a break, ulcers should be open.

Prevention of trophic ulcers

To prevent the resumption of the disease, it is necessary to treat primary diseases, for example, blood circulation, atherosclerosis, diabetes, etc. In diabetes, it is recommended to strictly control the level of glucose in the blood and prevent its strong excess. Make sure that your legs do not suffer from temperature differences and strong solar exposure. Treat them carefully and avoid the appearance of injuries and long -term statistical loads.

In the treatment of a trophic ulcer, it is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Competent therapy and prevention will help get rid of the disease and prevent relapse.

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