Actovegin is a stimulator of biogenic origin with a wide range of action. Due to this, it is often successfully used in surgical, ophthalmic and neurological practice. It has many output forms, does not require recipe and special storage conditions.
The composition of the actovegin and form of release
For the production of Aktovegin, the blood is used, or rather, the blood concentrate liberated from the protein part. It is he who is the main active ingredient drug. Depending on whether the drug is released in what auxiliary components may be sodium chloride, magnesium stearate, cellulose, talc, water for injection, macrogol, disallicing chloride, etc.
The dose of the main active substance depends on the form of the release:
- in one tablet - 0.2 g;
- in a tube 5% cream and ointments - 0.2 g per 100 g of the means;
- in a tube 20% gel - 0.8 g per 100 means;
- in ampoules for injection - 0.04 g per 1 ml;
- in 10% and 20% injection solutions - 4 and 8 mg per 1 ml, respectively.
Pharmacological properties of Aktovegin
The active substance of the drug affects tissue cells by stimulating exchange processes in them. It contributes to the active accumulation and use of oxygen and glucose cells, and also lead to the acceleration of ATP metabolism. As a result, the energy potential of the cell increases significantly, which is very necessary in hypoxia or with a large consumption of cellular resources (healing, regeneration).
Also, Actovegin positively affects the metabolism in general and contributes to the best absorption of nutrients. Its positive effects applies to blood circulation - it is also enhanced. Thanks to such a combined effect, tissue nutrition is significantly improved.
Recommendations for the use of Tablets Actovegin
The tablet form of actovegin is used for the following diseases:
- insufficiency of cerebral circulation, including stroke of ischemic nature;
- card and brain injuries;
- dementia;
- blood vessels during diabetes;
- angiopathy of peripheral vessels and their consequences, including trophic ulcers.
Take pills need before eating, drinking, three times a day for 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment fluctuates from 1 to 1.5 months.
Reception of tablets in the presence of edema, including edema of the lungs, urinary disorders (oliguria or anouria), heart failure in the stage of decompensation and allergies to the Actovegin.
Using Ointment, Aktovegin Gel
Actovegin form for outdoor treatment have a similar destination:
- damage to the skin of different origins: mechanical (abrasions, cuts, cracks, scratches), chemical, solar burns, thermal origin;
- stimulation of regeneration of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200btrophic ulcers and burns;
- to prevent beds and skin reactions to radiation irradiation.
The gel form is also used in the burn disease as a preparatory stage before leather transplantation and mucous membranes.
The eye gel is produced separately, which is used for such ophthalmological problems, like burns, radiation lesions and cornea ulcers, Keratitis. It is also used as a prophylactic drug before irradiation and during the selection of contact lenses for vision correction in patients with corneal lesions.
The forms of the actovegin for local treatment are applied with a thin layer of 2-3 times / day (burns, radiation lesions, warning beds), in the form of a dressing (trophic ulcers, breakdown) with a change of 1-2 times / day.
Contraindication for the treatment of actsgin in the form of cream, gel or ointment is hypersensitivity to the preparation.
How to apply Actovegin solutions
The infusion solutions are a "universal" form of the drug, since they are prescribed in any of the cases listed above. That is, they are effective and in violations of brain and peripheral blood circulation, and during lesions of the skin of any genesis and for regeneration of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ulcers.
The dosage of solutions is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the scope of pathology. It is introduced intravenously, intraarterially or intramuscularly. The initial dose for administration through a vein or artery is usually 10-20 ml, then up to 5 ml (intravenously or intramuscularly) decreases. Drip administration of actovegin is carried out at a speed of 2-3 ml / minute in a volume of 250 ml (bottle), while adding other drugs to the dropper is not recommended.
Before use, for the treatment of a solution of Actovegin, it is necessary to carry out a test administration due to possible allergic reactions.
Additional Information
Considering the origin of the original material used for the production of Aktovegin, the drug may produce an adverse reaction of an allergic nature. It can be sweating, redness, rash, burning or tearing (when using the eye shape of the gel), an increase in body temperature.
Pregnant medicine is prescribed in extreme cases, taking into account all risks for the future kid.
The color of the injection solution may have a different intensity of yellowness, which does not affect its activity. The fear should cause the muddy of the solution or the presence of impurities in it. Opened vial or ampoule is not stored.
Actovegin is a good regenerator and antioxidant. It is able to cure serious damage to the skin, intensify tissue trophics and blood circulation. However, the maximum effect of the actovegin can only be obtained under the control of the doctor.