Middokalm, instructions for use

Middokalm, instructions for use

Middokalm is a drug that is prescribed to relieve neurological syndromes, accompanied by an increased muscle tone, painful sensations and trophic violations. The drug is safe, has high efficiency, does not affect the clarity of consciousness and vigor.

How Middokalm is valid

Middokalm is a central action preparation. This means that it "works" directly from the CNS, or rather, with the caudal part of the reticular formation and peripheral nerve endings. Also, micodealms are able to suppress the reflex activity of the spinal cord, increased due to the pathological process and activate the peripheral blood flow. Due to this, it has a myarlaxing, topical essential and membranemulatory effect.

When can help Middokalm

The ability to relax cross-striped muscles, remove pain symptoms and enhance blood circulation on the periphery makes the Middokalm with respect to diseases that are accompanied by spasms, contractures, rigidity, hypertonus:

  • in strokes, encephalomyelitis, myelopathy, sclerosis, damage to pyramidal pathways, the consequences of an acute brain circulation disorder;
  • in the arthrosis of large joints, spondylise, lumbal and cervical syndromes, spondyloarthrosis;
  • in case of encephalopathies, manifested by dystonia, incl. in Little's disease;
  • with the angiopathy of diabetic nature, the disease Raino, oblique forms of trombanta and arteriosclerosis, diffuse scleroderma.

Also, the beneficial properties of the drug are often used in the schemes of reducing treatment after operational interventions of trauma or orthopedic directions.

When middokalm can harm

It is not recommended to use Middokalm for the treatment of infants who have not reached the age of 3 months, as well as people suffering from Miastenia. The contraindication to the drug also advocates increased sensitivity, including the lidocaine, which is part of the ampumen form of the Middokalm.
The increased sensitivity of the body to the Middokalm can manifest itself with muscle weakness, headaches, nausea. Allergic reactions in the form of rashes and / or itching can also be. Cardiovascular system can respond to the drug hypotension.

As in what quantities to take Middokalm

The drug is produced in a tablet (50 and 150 mg) and in the form of ampoules for injection. Pills are accepted inside before meals, the solution in ampoules is introduced intramuscularly or intravenously.
The instruction offers the reception of the Middokalm in the following dosages:

  • tablets: Adults are prescribed 150-450 mg of drug per day in two or three receptions, children up to 6 years - at the rate of 5 mg / kg of mass, from 7 to 14 years - at the rate of 2-4 mg / kg body weight ;
  • solution: dose for intramuscular administration - 2 injections of 100 mg per day, for intravenous - 100 mg / day.

In order to avoid unwanted reactions, the introduction of Middokalm intravenous methods is recommended to be carried out by a drip method, slowly. Little patients are recommended only to the tablet forms with a dosage of 50 mg.

What else needs to know about mydocalm

Due to the fact that there is no data on the possible influence of the drug for the future kid, it is not recommended to apply it during pregnancy.

Middokalm is quite friendly with other drugs. Maybe without consequences, it is prescribed in parallel with sedative and snowpads, as well as ethanol-containing drugs. Treatments of general anesthesia, psychotropic agents and peripheral muscle relaxants act as an activator of Middokalm.

Middokalm is a rather complicated drug that solves complex problems. Therefore, it should be appointed only by a doctor and accepted only under his control.

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