How to treat stomach ulce

How to treat stomach ulce

Dangerous, difficult to treat the disease of the gastric mucosa, which is characterized by a chronic flow and complications in the form of bleeding, perforations or cancer (curable only by surgical methods), is called a peptic disease. It is difficult to get rid of this disease, but applying correctly selected drugs, observing the diet and recommendations, possibly.

Pay close attention to your daily diet and lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol should be prohibited, because they are provoking the factors of this disease and complicate the treatment process in the presence of illness.


Limit the use of salt. Exclude all products that promote strong gastric juice allocation and irritation of the gastric mucosa: coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, all sharp, sour, spicy, smoked, oily roasted, rigid raw vegetables and fruits.

Therapeutic nutrition should be puree, filled with vitamins and minerals. Fit fractionally and often, products that do not irritate the walls of the stomach thermally, mechanically and chemically. Such a regime will contribute to a more rapid restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Observing the diet mode, at the same time, make medications assigned to your attending physician. Usually these are several drugs. Often two types of antibiotics; agents governing hydrochloric acid producing its activity and reduced aggressive effect; Medicines restoring mucous membranes. Selected treatment will help to eliminate the bacterium living in our body and causing peptic disease - Helicobacter Pylori.

Folk remedies are capable not only to alleviate the difficult condition in this disease, but also to fully cure from it. Well established himself plantainwhich can be used in all its manifestations. Separate juice Take 1 tbsp. in pure form up to 3 times a day. His and honey take in the same proportion, negotiate 20 minutes, treated according to a similar scheme.


The decoction of flaxseed seed removes all inflammatory processes and has enveloping properties. 4 tbsp.l. Linen seed brew 1 l of milk and keep on fire for 2 hours. Take 2-3 times a day, 200 ml 30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts 2 months.

Water heating oil has antiseptic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory actions. Drink it 5-6 times a day, before taking food, 1st.

Prepare the infusion from the collection of herbs taken in equal proportions (alta, fennel, linden, licorice root, chamomile). It will help cope with pain and reduce increased acidity. 1 tbsp. Collection Pour the glass of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. Take in breaks between meals.

The binding and bactericidal effect of juice from the pulp Aloe will help to quickly cope with the stomach ulcer. Take juice in 1 hour before meals, 2-3 times a day for 1 tsp.

Follow your health and psychological attitude. Do not be nervous, do not give in stress - our stomach one of the first reacts to the differences of our emotional state. Contact doctors at the slightest pain manifestations of the gastrointestinal organs. Take care of yourself, and then you will not come across this disease.

Comments leave a comment
Katia 21/11/2018 at 21:37

Very quickly discharged from hospital thanks to Rebagitis. So if the disease could not win for a long time.

Nina 05/03/2021 at 18:05

A ulcer is, of course, a serious thing. But in fact, it is possible to avoid it if the prevention is engaged. When I had gastritis, I immediately began to take Helinorm. It destroys the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori and thereby restores the normal operation of the stomach. So I do not think about ulcers.


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