How to determine the acidity of the stomach

How to determine the acidity of the stomach

Health must be preserved. Everyone knows about it, but often do not attach a strong meaning to manifest symptoms. The exception did not discomfort in the stomach, which many are taken for bloating or indispensable. It is impossible to challenging the health and good functioning of the stomach, it can threaten serious diseases. To avoid this, you need to know the acidity of your stomach. Consider the methods of its definition in more detail.

Clinical stomach acidity studies

In the clinic, the following methods use to determine this parameter:

  • They diagnose it according to the degree of urine dyeing with special reagents, but the accuracy of this method is very low, so it is almost not involved in the diagnosis.
  • Produce a fractional sensing of the stomach. At the same time, the contents of the stomach is extracted through the tube, and research is carried out in laboratory conditions. This type of diagnostics is not enough accurate results by mixing the contents of different stomach zones. Also, this method negatively affects the operation of the digestive system.
  • Acidness measurement is carried out by a special device directly in the patient's stomach. Moreover, the measurement is carried out in different zones of the stomach for a long time.

Symptoms for the diagnosis of the acidity of the stomach

Diagnostics can be carried out at home. According to the following symptoms:

  • Increased acidity is accompanied by heartbuzz, constipation, burning and acute stomach pain. These people often can't eat sour products.
  • The reduced acidity is characterized by a constant yarring in the abdomen, an unpleasant smell of mouth, frequent diarrhea. People suffer from the lack of appetite.

Acidity often depends on the lifestyle of a person. Elevated more often occurs in people of smoking or abusing alcohol. Lovers chew a chewing chewing stomach in the risk area. Also, the increase in acidity can provoke consumption too sharp, oily or acidic.
Reduced acidity may indicate a lack of protein coming from food. We must gradually increase its reception, and the problem will be held by itself.

Methods of home inspection of the gastric acidity

Diagnostics can be carried out at home. There are two simple ways:

  • It is necessary to dissolve 1/4 h. L. Food soda in 150 ml of water. Drink the resulting liquid on an empty stomach and damage the time. If during the pair of minutes, the belching appeared - this indicates a reduced acidity. If the belching was not, everything is normal.
  • Test with apple vinegar. When the heartburn begins, it is necessary to dissolve 2 tbsp. l. Vinegar in 1/2 cup of cool water and slowly drink. If an improvement has come, it signals reduced acidity. And the severity, nausea and heartburn speak of increased acidity.

Recipes of folk remedies from the increased acidity of the stomach

You can normalize the level of acidity and folk methods. Moreover, they are individual for each type.

Increased acidity:

  • Mumina 1 gr is dissolved in a liter of boiled milk and take three times a day in half an hour before meals. Conduct this treatment three times with a break in 10 days.
  • 20 minutes before meals, drink a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil during the day.

Reduced acidity:

  • In equal shares, take the soul, the yarrow, the root of the dandelion, the root of nine and the flames of immortelle. Mix all the two tablespoons of this mixture to place in a thermos and pour 400 ml of liquid. The medicine is best to leave for the night. Infusion should be drunk in half an hour before eating one third of the glass 4-5 times a day.
  • The Grass of the Hypericum, Chicory, the Golder, Flax Seeds, the roots of nine and the leaves of the Lamberry are taken. Everything is mixed in the same proportion. Two tablespoons of the collection brew 400 ml of water in the thermos and leave overnight. It is necessary to take infusion 4 times a day for half an hour before meals in the amount of 1/3 cup.

Following these recommendations, you can diagnose the level of acidity of your stomach at home. But for the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult with a gastroenterologist in the clinic. Based on the symptoms and clinical examinations, the doctor will appoint a suitable treatment for you, and folk remedies will be a good help in this process. Be healthy!

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Dasha 08/03/2020 at 7:14.

I generally accounted for a tube to swallow and bunch of analyzes to take ... and as it turned out, the heartburn was caused by not increased acidity, but the acid cast in the esophagus due to the weak sphincter. So most often it happens. It was treated for a long time, special, but if the attacks happened, Hezozhoff helped. Just so saved))

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