How to determine gastritis

How to determine gastritis

Gastritis is called inflammatory processes of the stomach walls, arising from long-term use of poor-quality foods, drugs or as a result of mechanical damage. Another cause of gastritis can be the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium. Only gastroenterologist can diagnose the disease. For this, the doctor uses several methods.

Objective diagnostics

This method is aimed at studying external signs of the disease. For example, suffering from chronic gastritis there is a rapid weight loss, the deterioration of the appearance, the bleeding of the adhesion, the ride, painful sensations in the field of solar plexus. Based on the information received, establish an accurate diagnosis is very difficult, because similar symptoms are accompanied by other diseases.

Non-invasive diagnosis

The technique includes respiratory tests, biochemical blood tests, feces. The breathing test helps to identify the antibody to Helicobacter Pylori. Unfortunately, in the early stages of the disease, respiratory tests do not show accurate results. Even the presence in the stomach of antibodies does not give absolute confidence that the infection is developing.

Invasive diagnostics

A method that includes histological, bacteriological and fast urease test. During tests, the attending physician explores the biopath of the gastric mucosa. The patient is introduced a substance, thanks to which the pH-medium of the stomach increases. Depending on the result, the test changes the color. If the patient is strongly infected - the result is known in an hour, with minor infection, the test will show the result in a day. A negative result can be detected more than 24 hours. Urease test The most simple and effective in the diagnosis of helicobacid infection.


One of the most informative options for diagnosing gastritis. Conduct a study with a gastroscope. It is introduced into the stomach through the mouth, after the anesthetic is injected into the throat. An image of the cavity of the stomach is displayed on the monitor, if necessary, make a fence material of the biopsy mucosa. With this analysis, the doctor can determine the presence of chronic gastritis. This type of survey is contraindicated in patients suffering from esophageal diseases.

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Probe diagnosis

The method is quite obsolete, but rather common. Protecting in three stages. The first stage is an empty stomach, the second one after the introduction of the probe, the third - after artificial stimulation with a small amount of food or drug.


One of the most accurate and newest ways to diagnose. It is carried out with the help of special medical equipment in a hospital. It is based on the registration of infrared emissions of the internal organs. The presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria and gastritis causative agents is established. In the process of research, the patient does not receive discomfort and painful sensations.

Using the correct diagnostic methods, it is possible to identify the disease at an early stage, and the diagnosed diagnosis and effective therapy will avoid the heavy effects of gastritis.

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the Rose 12/11/2021 at 11:07.

In general, everything is clearly understandable for painful sensations .... Thus, of course, a survey should be survened. I used to have enough often enough, now everything is in order due to the fact that I spend prevention. Once every six months, I definitely drink Helinorm. It is aimed at reducing the number of Helicobacter Piluri due to the useful bacteria. In Russia, in general, in his own way.


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