Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the outflow of the blind intestine (Appendix). Timely Diagnosis Resolution allows you to successfully conduct an operation and reduce the patient in the hospital. The longer a person walks with the disease, the higher the risk of developing the purulent inflammation of the appendix and its gap. Therefore, everyone should know the symptoms of the common, dangerous disease.
Typical signs of acute appendicitis - This is a high temperature (up to 40), which is very difficult to knock, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Pulling abdominal pain that have a non-permanent character, white bloom in language. The first hours of the disease are accompanied by weak pains in the field of right hypochondrium and stomach. Strengthens closer in the late afternoon and last until morning, gradually shifting into the right lower part of the abdomen (iliac region), where they are localized and increasing throughout the disease.- Symptom Razdolsky: Spend your hand on the right side of the belly from top to bottom. In appendicitis, skin sensitivity is enhanced, so the patient will feel the unpleasant sensation in the right illeg.
- Sitkovsky's symptom: in the position lying on the left side, pain is growing in the right illeg. Patients complain about filling pain.
- The symptom of Bartaye-Michelson: the manifestation of painful sensations in the right lower abdomen during palpation. The patient lies on the left side.
- The symptom of the Resurrection: through thin clothes, the patient with fast, sliding movements spend on the stomach from the ribs to the groin and from the navel towards the right side. In this case, the patient is experiencing an increasing, pulsating pain due to hyperesthesia of the skin.
- Symptom of broth-blubberg: gently press on the belly in the ileum region, then take the hand with a sharp movement. The patient experiences a strong piercing pain due to vibrations of the abdominal wall and irritation of the inflammatory hearth.
- Ostrovsky's symptom: lying on his back, the patient raises the right leg up, while there are no unpleasant sensations. Then quickly lowers down and feels spilled, but the pain in the right side of the abdomen.
- The symptom of Couples: lying on the left side, the patient extensions the right leg. At the same time there are painful sensations in the right illeg.
- Britten symptom: when the belly feeling, the reflex, protective stress of the abdominal wall muscles and tightening the right eggs to the pubic is occurring. At the end of the procedure, the testicle returns to the place.
- Horn's symptom: stupid pain in the right testicle when pulling up the scrotum.
Patients also have an increase in pain at the bottom of the abdomen on the right when coughing, sneezing, laughter. Appendicitis is a fatal disease. If you have found even three symptoms, urgently go to the reception to the surgeon. Do not be afraid and do not pull with a hike in the hospital. Your health is much more important than any doubt!