How to determine the degree of obesity

How to determine the degree of obesity

Obesity is a rather dangerous disease. Damage to the body from overweight you not immediately notice. The disease can happen to each, regardless of age and heredity. Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

We are accustomed to considering overweight only an external factor affecting the beauty. According to statistical data, high arterial pressure are full of people suffer 3 times more often than thin. Sugar diabetes, people with excess weights sick are 9 times more often people with a normal body weight, and obese patients are 40 times. And as otherwise, after all, the load on all organs is growing together with fatty deposits. How will you feel if all day on the shoulders wear a backpack, weighing 10, 20, 50 kg, or even more of your weight?


Let's find out if you suffer obesity or have a normal weight. The easiest way to answer the question is to calculate the ketle index, in a different way it is called the body mass index. To do this, it is enough to know your height and weight. To determine the exact weight, become on an empty stomach. To learn growth, make measurements at different times and select the average value. Since during the day, human growth is slightly varied by 1-2 cm.

The obtained values \u200b\u200bare substituted into a simple formula. If your weight is 73 kg, and height is 1.68: BMI \u003d 73 / (1.68 * 1.68) \u003d 25.86

Look at the table, what state corresponds to the obtained value.

The ketle indicator provides evaluation data and not applicable to all. For example, the body mass index of athletes exceeds the normal value. But this is not associated with obesity. They have a greater mass due to the developed muscles. Although the BMI is most often used, it does not take into account the floor, age, the features of the physique. Statistics show that BMI in women is less than in men, and with age averages increase. People with the same CMT value look completely different.

There are a number of other indices that determine the normal weight (HB). For each of them, its calculation formula is used. Set the magnitude to substitute in cm:

  1. Brock index will suit people whose growth is in the range of 155-170 cm. HB \u003d growth - 100. Values \u200b\u200bare determined with an error of 10%.
  2. Breitman index. HB \u003d height * 0.7 - 50 kg.
  3. Berngard index. HB \u003d height * Breast circle [cm] / 240.
  4. Index Oder. HB \u003d distance from the temperature to Simphima * 2 - 100.
  5. Navoden index. HB \u003d height * 420/1000.
  6. Taton Index. HB \u003d growth - (100 + (growth - 100) / 20).

Central obesity index. The next way to determine excess fat is to divide the length of the waist circumference to the thigh circumference. For women, the values \u200b\u200bare lower than 0.8, for men - 1.0. At the same time, it is believed that the volume of the waist of men does not exceed 94 cm, and in women - 80 cm. In order to properly measure the waist of a thin man, grip the most narrow place with a measuring ribbon. Complete person clasp by 2 cm above the navel. Hips Measure the same for all - in the widest part.

Depending on the percentage, which your mass exceeds the normal weight, you feel about one of the degrees of obesity:

  • 1 tbsp. - excess 10-29%;
  • 2 tbsp. - by 30-49%;
  • 3 tbsp. - by 50-99%;
  • 4 tbsp. - 100% and more.

Using various techniques, various values \u200b\u200bare obtained for one person. So it is not necessary to fully rely on the numbers. Everyone has its ideal weight, which depends on many factors. No technique takes into account all the nuances. Look at yourself in the mirror if a graceful beauty is watching you (a slim man), and the numbers say different, most likely, you are fine. If you have defined overweight, it is worth thinking and contact the specialists.

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