Sore nipples in men what to do

Sore nipples in men what to do

The soreness of the mammary glands in men is less common than women. Ideally, the nipples in men should not be sick, since the unpleasant feelings are associated with an increase in the body of women's hormones. This is usually happening in adolescence or during the development of a serious illness.

Immediately after birth, boys and girls are absolutely no different. Only in adolescence, the dairy glands in girls are increasing. During puberty, the concentration of female and male sex hormones in boys is constantly changing. Because of the non-permanent work of the pituitary gland, pain in the nipples in the guys may occur. If during the palpation of the glands there is no hardening, and it does not stand out from the nipples, no treatment is assigned. The pain disappears after a transitional age.

Sore nipples in men what to do

What if they hurt the nipples in an adult man? In this case, it is worth contacting the urologist or a mammologist. In any case, the increase in size and soreness of the breast is provoked by violation of the balance of hormones. Most often, pain may occur during the treatment of eggs or prostate hyperplasia with hormonal drugs. If you take such medicines and noticed that the chest increased and hurts, tell your doctor about it. The hormone imbalance can provoke mastopathy. This disease is accompanied by an excessive growing of iron tissue and dairy ducts. Mastopathy in men is treated not only by drugs, but also physiotics. Electrophoresis and mud compresses are perfectly coping with non-flame seals.

Sore nipples in men what to do

Most often, for the treatment of mastopathy is not required to carry out surgery, it is enough to normalize the concentration of hormones. Sometimes local drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments and compresses. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, and cancel the reception of hormonal drugs, which has appointed a urologist for the treatment of hyperplasia or diseases of the testicles, is also impossible. Be sure to inform the doctor about the soreness of the nipples.

Sore nipples in men what to do

If the doctor does not detect neoplasms during palpation, it can write direction on ultrasound or tomography. These non-invasive methods will help diagnose the tumor or make sure of its absence. Remember, breast cancer is not only in women, but also in men. The risk group includes representatives of the strong half of humanity over 55 years. The risk of cancer occurs in the treatment of genital diseases by hormonal drugs. It is worth noting that the development of cancer in men is slower than women, so you can diagnose the disease in the early stages. In addition, to notice the breast tumor in men is simply due to the small size of the breast.

It happens that at the normal level of hormones, a man still feels pain in the nipples. In this case, it is worth contacting the endocrinologist. The pituitary tumor can cause the diseases of the mammary glands in men.

Sore nipples in men what to do

In no case do not self-medicate! Be sure to sign on the reception to the urologist or surgeon, if you feel pain in the nipples and the seal of the breast. With timely treatment, you can get rid of cancer.

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