Periods do not end what to do

Periods do not end what to do

Absolutely healthy woman has a period of 3-7 days. But due to improper nutrition and constant stress, menstruation may not stop after the set time. In this article we will tell you what to do if menstruation do not end.

Please note if with bleeding you feel cut or acute pain in the side, perhaps it is an ectopic pregnancy. Bleeding occurs due to the rupture of the phallopyye tube and can not end long. Usually a woman cannot be in such a state for a long time, and it is hospitalized. Excessive blood loss and infection can even be the cause of death.

If 3-7 days have passed, which should go monthly, but you still see the blood stain layers, you may have adenomyosis. This is a disease of the uterus, which is associated with the growth of endometrial in the deeper layers of the organ. As a result, nodes that bleeds appear in the uterus. Usually abundant bleeding is observed 2-3 days, the rest of the time on the gasket remain brown traces. Such shipments cannot be ignored, adenomyosis causes infertility.

Periods do not end what to do

Sometimes the cause of unaffeing menstruation is a violation in the work of the thyroid gland. Because of the imbalance of hormones, bleeding does not stop. To establish the concentration of hormones, it is necessary to pass blood for analysis.

Periods do not end what to do

How to make menstruation stopped? In case of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, bleeding stops in the hospital. Reception of herbal decoctions or dubious drugs can aggravate the situation. You will only lose precious time. Perhaps while you drink herbal tea, you develop sepsis.

If the cause of bleeding is hormonal, you can take chasters that normalize the balance of hormones. Well when bleeding helps tincture of water pepper. This substance stimulates the cuts in the uterus, and the bleeding is faster. Usually the tincture of water pepper is prescribed after abortion or operational interventions. You can drink vikasol or dicinol to stop blood. Remember, any drugs should be taken to appoint a doctor.

Periods do not end what to do

If bleeding is accompanied by a novel pain, prepare a decoction of field chewing. It will reduce the selection and squeezes pain. You can brew tea from raspberry leaves, it contributes to the cessation of bleeding. If abundant bloody sections are observed after the medical abortion, it is necessary to make tea from a mixture of herbs. To do this, mix in equal proportions of nettle, root of heel and the shepherd bag. Fill the spoon of the mixture with boiling water and let it stand for several hours. Drink this decoction instead of ordinary tea. If you do not like the taste, add honey or sugar into the liquid.

Do not ignore monthly, which are not stopped. Bleeding can provoke a sharp decrease in hemoglobin concentration. Be sure to consult a doctor, and in case of acute pain, call for ambulance. All folk methods are worth combining with medical drugs that the doctor wrote. Only an integrated approach will help get rid of bleeding in a short time.

Comments leave a comment
Mary 09/08/2018 at 10:03.

I have all sorts of such incomprehensible things with the monthly started on the background of menopause .... I didn't stop it, then they stopped at all, and then there were some disclosures. So the first thing to do, I think, contact the gynecologist. I am now on the advice of the doctor Ice Formula Menopause (I helps to get rid of the symptoms) + I try to eat right. I feel good, and the misunderstandings of these with a cycle disappeared, which pleases.

Elya 10/17/2018 at 15:26

I have such a nonsense at the occurrence of Klimaks. And then everything went by itself ... But tides and insomnia began. It is good that the boars on the crash also helped the cycle. Now everything is fine, as if there is no menopause))


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