What to do if the eyelid twitch

What to do if the eyelid twitch

Twentieth century, spasms, tics are common phenomena, which are involuntary repetitive contraction of the muscles of the eye. Most often, the lower eyelid is involved in a similar process, but the top can also be twisted. Usually it is imperceptibly surrounding. The attacks begin unexpectedly, quickly end. But there are cases when it lasts a few days and even weeks, causing unpleasant sensations. Such twitching is impossible to stop the effort of will. In the medical literature, the twitching of the century is called myocymia, it does not consider it a serious state, but if it remains for a long time, the disease must be treated. To eliminate such an annoying problem, like twitching the eye, it is necessary to determine the reason for its appearance, and then take measures to eliminate it.

Twitching the eyelid due to dry eye

Almost all seven days of the week of modern person are inseparable from the computer. However, do we remember how much you can work for the monitor to not harm your health? Most likely there is no than yes. Not only do some people have a whole working day at a computer, they are not going to rest after work to relax, but home and sit on the same monitor or TV. The rest does not work, the eyes and the nervous system are tired, as a result, a person appears dry eyes.

What to do? First, carry out a computer at no more than that time that is allowed for this occupation. If you work for a long time for a computer, do small breaks every hour for 10-15 minutes and, as far as possible, gymnastics for the eyes several times a day. Secondly, walking out in the fresh air. Thirdly, consult a doctor so that he prescribes the most suitable drug from the "Artificial Tears" series.

If the eyelid is twitching due to stress

From time to time, each of us is in a state of stress, we are all individual and react to such situations in different ways. In some stress, it is expressed in tears, screaming, hysterics, beating dishes, while others try to survive him alone with them, external retaining complete calm. In such cases, the consequences of stressful situations are affected in the form of a twentieth century.

What to do? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid the emergence of a stressful situation. Credit with internal tension will help sedatives, such as Melissa, Hawthorn, Mother, Valerian. It is not necessary to be given to the emergence of trouble from others, the participation of loved ones and friendly support is important in such situations. In extreme cases, it is better to turn to a psychologist, a good specialist will help cope with the current situation. When the mental state is becoming - the eyelid will stop twitch in itself.

Twitching the eyelid because of caffeine and alcohol

Specialists have long been proven that the excessive use of these non-soft drinks can cause a twitching age.

What to do? In such a situation, it is important to limit the usual consumption of coffee beverages to a reasonable amount (no more than two cups per day), as well as completely eliminate alcohol, which adversely affects not only the nervous system, but also on the whole body. Not everyone knows that caffeine is contained not only in coffee, but also in tea, energy and carbonated drinks.

Twitching the eyelid due to eye voltage

Such a state may occur in people who have problems with vision and at the same time not using glasses or contact lenses, or wearing such that do not provide a clear view. As a result, the eyes are constantly in suspense, which is the cause of century augmentation.

What to do? Here is one solution, going to the eyepiece, only he can help in such a situation. In general, select points yourself, without a recipe for a doctor and at random, as it is very often done, it is categorically impossible. So you only worsen your and so not perfect vision.

Twitching the eyelid due to unbalanced nutrition

The absence of useful trace elements in the diet can provoke various ailments, which includes and twitching the age. For example, the lack of magnesium leads to nervous disorders, and as we already know, because of them often twitching the eyelids.

What to do? Balanced nutrition and a sufficient amount of magnesium will help avoid myocymia. B and MG vitamins are needed for good nervous system. They are contained in oatmeal and buckwheat porridges, as well as grain breads that need to be used daily.

Twisted eyelids most often for the body does not represent a serious danger, but from nervous tick, let it even temporarily, joy either. The problem to solve will help a healthy lifestyle, which includes not only healthy eating and rejection of bad habits, but also the right work-leisure mode and the ability to plan a working day. Even the most busy people must close their work offices and seem to switch to family pleasant troubles and gatherings with friends.

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Zina 09/16/2019 at 13:20

I was well helped by tea Evalar Bio soothing daytime ... drink since they fired from work)) At first, I was horrified by both neurosis, and psychosis, and depression ... Now it's much easier to perceive everything. I am looking for a new job, resting while)) Of course, there are still a conversation with a psychologist, but still)


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