What to do if you tear bile

What to do if you tear bile

Vomiting bile can be in an adult and in a child, as well as during pregnancy. About the presence of bile in the vomiting masses is not only yellow-green or bright yellow, but also the presence of a bitter taste in the mouth, from which it is impossible to get rid of. A man who collided with vomiting bile, most often already knows the cause of this situation, since its presence in most cases indicates the presence of some disease. If a person is unknown by the cause of vomiting, then it must be revealed and better entrust it to the doctor. Independently, the diagnosis of its body will not be carried out, and the presence of bile in vomit may have a lot of reasons: reaction to drugs, violation in the activities of the central nervous system, aggravation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or poisoning, an excessive amount of drinking alcohol, toxicosis during pregnancy.

Vomiting bile in adult

If a person knows the reason for vomiting, it is easier for him to stop her, but those who have encountered it for the first time, will be more difficult. It is clear that the goal to the doctor can not be canceled, but how to be if the urge does not stop?

To stop vomiting with bile need:

  1. Rinse the stomach. It is necessary for one approach to drink the maximum amount of boiled water, approximately 5-6 glasses, after that artificially cause vomiting, pressing two fingers to the root of the tongue. This procedure is desirable to do several times until the vomits become clean.
  2. After washing, it is impossible to admit dehydration - drink little by little and in small sinks of rosy rose or non-carbonated mineral water every 15 minutes.
  3. If vomiting with bile is the result of alcoholic poisoning, in addition to washing, you need to take activated carbon to derive toxins from the body.
  4. After all this, you can relax, preferably sleep a few hours. It is forbidden to eat.
  5. After waking up, drink hot beef or chicken broth, diet should gradually expand to exclude salty, fatty and spicy foods.
  6. Eat often, but in small portions. Contraindicated the use of strong coffee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, various spices.


Vomiting of bile in the child

The first cause of vomiting in a child can be unbearable overeating or poor-quality food. In such situations, parents begin to panic and do not know what to do. An adult should pull myself together and help their child. For this you need:

  1. Reassure and comfort your baby.
  2. Post 3 drink cup cooled boiled water for washing the stomach, after trigger the gag reflex.
  3. To reduce intoxication give activated charcoal or smectite. Activated charcoal give a rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight, and smectite 1 sachet dissolved in a glass of water.
  4. At an elevated temperature to drink antipyretic.
  5. Lay the baby on its side on a bed with a high pillow.

What to do, you should not:

  1. Giving food in large quantities.
  2. Irrigate stomach with potassium permanganate solution.
  3. Do washing, when the child is unconscious.
  4. Until the arrival of the doctor to leave the child unattended.


Vomiting of bile during pregnancy

During pregnancy, vomiting of bile occurs when a strong toxicosis, and if it is not a sign of some kind of pathology, with the help of simple actions can alleviate the condition.

  1. To avoid morning sickness, it is desirable not getting up to eat something light. The night before, prepare yourself a cup of water with crackers or an apple.
  2. During the day, eat often, but in small portions. In the first half of the day, give preference to products containing protein and carbohydrates. Discard fatty, too sweet and spicy food.
  3. Periodically, you can drink tea with lemon or decoctions of herbs, such as mint and tysyacheletnik.
  4. You can also take on an agreement physician medication drugs that will not bring harm to the child: Festal, Pancreatin, Fosfalyugel, Maalox.


Vomiting of bile - a very unpleasant state of man, which must be stopped. We tell you how to do it right for adults and children as well as pregnant women. If you have grasped this illness, follow the advice, and your condition will undoubtedly improve.

Comments leave a comment
Love 05.21.2021 at 11:39

If you have tears, then immediately to the doctor !! I started a little bit straight bitterness in the mouth, I ran ran to the doctor.

Lyudmila Valerievna 26/05/2021 at 0:13.

Right and did! Pain in the side, bitterness in the morning in the mouth, all this can be symptoms of cholecystitis for example or diseases relating to the gallbladder. I was diagnosed cholecystitis, now I take a dress, it became better to feel better, plus with meal more pickup. I hope that it will be in the future. I do not want more than these pain, it is very unpleasant.


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