The nose is constantly laid, what to do

The nose is constantly laid, what to do

The nasal congestion can become a real disaster, especially if it does not want to pass. Constant drowsiness due to lack of oxygen due to the laid nose and restless night sleep, irritability, apathy and slurred nasal voice-all this is the result of this misfortune. In this article we will consider some tips that will help you cope with this ailment in a short time.

Given the fact that the cause of the laid nose may be a cold or allergy, you need to try to understand what in your case served as the fault, since the treatment in different cases will differ slightly. This will help you first of all your feelings. So, for example, if the congestion is accompanied by a peak in the nose, sore throat, cough or temperature, and on the eve you wet your legs or talked with a cold, then most likely a cold or a viral infection was the reason. If, in addition to the laid nose, there are no more symptoms, and on the street all spring and all around it blooms and smells, which means that you have started an allergy.

From the congestion of the nose due to a cold or an allergic reaction, rinsing the nose with saline or salty water will help you. According to doctors, the nose washing is the most effective means of combating the obstruction of the nasal sinuses and a runny nose, which will not cause addiction to your body at all. Washing the nose can be done using saline or water with sea salt purchased in a pharmacy. An alternative to pharmacy is salted water, made independently at home. To prepare it, you will need 1 liter of warm boiled water and 1 teaspoon without a slide of sea or iodized salt.

The washing process itself is quite simple, the most important thing is that you need to do it correctly in order to avoid serious complications in the form of otitis media. A syringe, a pear with a soft rubber tip or a small teapitar with a thin nose is suitable for washing. Leaning over the sink or dish so that one nostril is higher than the other, i.e. The face must be turned sideways, slowly pour about 200 grams of liquid into the upper nostril. The salt solution at this time should flow out of the lower nostrils, washing out mucus, microbes and viruses. The mouth during the procedure should be ajar. Washing one nostril, we proceed to the other, after changing the position of the head. After completion, the nose must be thoroughly tightened from the residues of the solution.

Children of the nose are done differently. Pipetics with a pipette instill 3-4 drops of solution in both nostrils in a lying position on their side, and children from 2 years old are poured along a whole pipette. Since young children still do not know how to wrinkle on their own, with the help of a small rubber pear or nasal aspirator you need to pump out a solution from the nose. The meaning is that the liquid will wash off his sinuses and dilute the thick mucus in the nose, which will easily pump it out. The procedure can be repeated 2 times, until completely relieved.

After releasing the nose from mucus, you can use vasodilating drops and sprays. In the event of a nasal congestion due to allergies, you need to drink the course of antihistamines, but only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, only a qualified specialist will prescribe a safe dosage to you and will help you if side symptoms occur.

To facilitate the condition with a laid nose, it is recommended to install an electric humidifier in the apartment or moisturize the air in the room with the help of shares. You can achieve wet air in the apartment by hanging wet underwear in the room or periodically spraying air from an ordinary spray gun.

If no ways are brought to you special relief, and the congestion has been going on for several days, see a doctor urgently. Only an experienced specialist will be able to quickly identify the cause and prescribe competent therapy, and therefore avoid dangerous consequences.

Comments leave a comment
Love 18/18/2018 at 12:26

I feel that from yesterday evening a nose has been laid and begins to break the body. Orvi caught somewhere?

Leila 09/29/2018 at 8:58

Love, I would have started to take the product from nature in the initial stage of the disease in the initial stage of the disease for a long time. And the symptoms will relieve everything like a hand and the disease will not go further to progress.

Tanya 05/07/2019 at 17:42

I use a device for the nasal shower rhinolife. He relieves swelling, moisturizes the mucous membrane and copes even with a strong runny nose

    Kseniya 08/20/2019 at 2:35

    and how much does such a shower of Rinolife cost? And how to use it?

Nina 09/13/2019 at 11:35

Most likely this is a sign that a person is not treated. It is very important to completely get rid of the symptoms during a cold or flu so that recovery goes faster. I myself usually take Savis Fle for these purposes (I choose it because it is allowed to hypertension), well, I wash my nose, I strip my throat on an ongoing basis ... This is all helping. And then there is no congestion

Rimma 09/16/2021 at 11:45

I can say that this is a signal of poor immunity. This is definitely impossible to neglect. Especially now, when the time is so dangerous. I usually advise my patients a bac-set Cold Flu. The intestinal microflora affects a lot in our body, including the resistance of it with all kinds. And here the bacteria are of high-quality and their wide variety of 17 species. Put a note.


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