Nasal congestion - the feeling is not pleasant, so it is quite an explanatory desire to get rid of it. The modern pharmacological industry offers a lot of drugs designed to alleviate our breathing. However, what to do if they no longer act or are they simply not at hand? It turns out that there are many ways to solve the problem of the nasal congestion without drops, and our article will introduce you to the most effective of them.
Let's start with why there may be swelling of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, its constriction. Modern medicine distinguishes 4 reasons: infectious diseases, allergic reactions, structure of the structure (anomalies or traumatic damage to the nasal septum) and vasomotor rhinitis. Regardless of the cause of the nasal congestion, it is manifested by the difficulty of breathing, a decrease in the sense of smell, weakness and causes significant discomfort.
The method of combating nasal mortgage No. 1 - saline solution. Many people who collided with a similar problem mark the effectiveness of washing the nose with warm water with salt adding to it. The recipe for such a solution is simple - dissolve in a glass of warm water 1 tsp. Salts (better if you use marine), but the use can be different. Thus, the freshly prepared solution can be injected in the nostrils using a pipette, thumping his head back, and after 10-15 seconds, pour it out of the nose, bent forward. Another way is to use a small pear, a syringe (without a needle) or Kettle Neti. In this case, the head must be tilted a little to the side and pour a solution into one (upper) nostril so that it flowed from another (bottom). After washing one nostrils, it is necessary to fit well and repeat the procedure with another nostril, tilting the head to the other side.
Method number 2 - honey. To "break through" honey nose, simply moisten the usual cotton wands and place them in the nostrils for 10-15 minutes. You can use this product differently: over the course of the same 15 minutes you need to carefully burn honey cells, after which they are spoiled. And you can take honey and inside, mixing it with horseradish (in equal proportions), 1 tsp. After receiving food.
Method number 3 - juice of medicinal plants. Particularly effective in placing the nose of such representatives of the flora as Aloe and mother and-stepmother. To remove the edema of the mucous membrane, three times a day, instill in the nostrils juice of fresh aloe or the juice of their shredded fresh leaf and machem.
Method number 4 is warm. It is possible to alleviate nose breathing with local thermal procedures. To do this, apply warm compresses in the form of a heated salt or sand to the outside of the nose (in the bag). Also, for this purpose, you can also use just cooked and slightly cooled potatoes to a warm state (in uniform) or eggs (in the shell). The duration of such procedures is 20-30 seconds.
Method No. 5 - oil. The leader here is an eucalyptus oil that can be used to remove the nasal congestion by the following way: Mix olive oil (5 h. L.) And eucalyptus oil (5 drops) and the resulting mixture moisten the tip with a rolled cloth. Insert such an improvised tampon into each nostril in a couple of hours to sleep, and put the residue of the oil mixture near the bed so that the couples would affect you all night. It will help it easier to breathe and camphor oil: soda chest with a small number of this substance for the night.
Method No. 6 - inhalation. The easiest option is the adoption of a hot soul, while you need to breathe as deeply as possible and swim at least 10 minutes. A more pleasant option is a bath with eucalyptus oil. To do this, please drink a hot water bath, add 3-5 drops of oil to it and enjoy the procedure for 10 minutes. The traditional option is to ride over the cooked potatoes (its purification) or the infusion of chamomile under a towel.
As an aids for removing the nasal congestion are also considered acute foods (horseradish, ginger, pepper, vasabi), special exercise (head stand), point massage and sleep in a position with a raised head.
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