How to rinse the nose with salted water

How to rinse the nose with salted water

Nose washing allows you to quickly and effectively clean the nasal moves, contributes to the sludge of the mucus, removes the edema, reduces the inflammation of the mucous membrane, improves the protective properties of the nasal mucosa. This procedure can be performed for the purpose of hygiene, for the prevention of ARVI, in therapeutic purposes with sharp respiratory viral infections, flu, vasomotor and allergic rhine. When using medicines in the nasal cavity, such as drops, sprays, ointments, the mucous membrane must be pre-cleaned. It is best to do this using the washing procedure.

Than rinse

In the pharmacy you can buy special means based on saline or sea water. Also, the solution will be prepared independently. On one liter of boiled and cooled to room temperature, take 1 teaspoon of salt with a small slide (9 grams). Use the pharmacy salt without additives. If the salt dissolved not completely and the resulting solution contains a precipitate, it must be strain. To perform the washing procedure, it is desirable to use a warm solution.

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Washing technique

Dial the solution into a fringe or syringe without a needle. You can also use a special kettle with a spout for washing. It is most convenient to do it over the sink. Tilt your head forward and on the side. Pour the solution in the nostril opposite to the side of the inclination. If the head was tilted to the left, pour the solution into the right nostril. And vice versa. During the washing breathe open mouth. The solution must pass through the nasal strokes and pour out another nostril. Part of the water can get into the mouth. It is not scary, although a little is not nice. At the end of the procedure, unimportant. Do the same for another nostril.

Washing process

Another sparing way of washing: Throw your head back and a little to the side, drip two or three pipettes of the nose mucosa, corresponding to the side of the inclination. Wait 20-30 seconds. Return to the vertical position. Examine nose. Repeat a similar procedure with another nostril. In this way, you can wash the nose to children if the complete washing procedure causes discomfort.


Frequency of washing

With the hygienic and preventive purpose of a healthy person, the procedure is enough to fulfill once a day. In therapeutic purposes for ORVI, cold or during the exacerbation of allergic rhinitis - 2-3 times a day.


Consider contraindications when washing the nose with salted water:

  • Pronounced swelling of mucous. In this case, the pressure solution enters the mouth of the hearing tube. This can lead to the emergence of acute medium otitis. If the breath is difficult, for 10-15 minutes before washing, you need to drip the vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.
  • With the obstruction of the nasal strokes - the curvature of the nasal partition, the presence of polyps, neoplasms, injuries in the nasal cavity.
  • With acute average otitis.
  • With a tendency to nasal bleeding.
  • If there is an allergy to the component of the rinsing solution.


Children up to three years at home it is dangerous to rinse the nose under pressure - from a fringe or a syringe, to use springs for irrigation and washing the nose. The liquid can get into the hearing tube connecting the cavity of the nasopharynx with the middle ear! This can lead to acute otitis. Little kids are better to carry out the "gentle" technique. Cut the nasal strokes with a brine from the pipette, after 20-30 seconds, carefully remove the liquid and mucus from the nose using an aspirator or a cotton flavor.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 14/03/2016 at 17:55

Although the picture and the baby, which sometimes chips the pearl, but the article in the case, especially about otitis, if you wash the nose of their balonchiks to children. Only there is another wonderful alternative to drops - sprays with a dispenser. With drops, too, we are not friends, children too much.

Dilyara 03/18/2016 at 18:04

I agree, I am now in a pharmacy I started to take a dosed spray of Moraenazal classic (now it has become popular among buyers), he is our domestic, no need to overpay for imports and the bottle is enough for a long time. And I support our manufacturer

Ulyana Pereova 26/11/2018 at 16:05

why come up with something at home if you can buy a finished spray. Moreover, it is still a salt solution to it and then pour it into a bottle. I use Aquamaster Evalar. It is flourished cheaper many analogues


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