How to rinse your nose

How to rinse your nose

The situation when it is necessary to free the nose of the baby from the mucus, leads young mothers into confusion. Tiny nostrils and no blowing skills can be compensated by skillful receivers. Rinse to kid You can use special solutions in different ways. Such a procedure perfectly clean the nasal passage, remove inflammation, remove crusts.

Parents should be felt: irrigation of the mucous membrane with a special solution removes edema And inflammation, reduces the tone of the vessels. A regular daily procedure will withdraw the mucus and strengthen the immunity. To wash the spout, buy spray in a pharmacy or prepare yourself. The base of the washing fluid is distilled water, sea or table salt, essential oils or decoction at low concentration.

If to kid 45 years, then you can use the fringe. Follow technician:

  • fill Sprinting with decoction of herbs or a special solution ;
  • slonite child forward At an angle of 90 degrees, ask you to breathe and delay your breathing: in the process of washing it is impossible to breathe ;
  • invest Sprinting tip in one nostril and gently push the basis - with the second nostril introduced liquid ;
  • when Liquid leaked from the nose, remove the vial and only then disconnect it ;
  • give to kid Close up, but let her mouth holds open - it will reduce the pressure on the eardrum ;
  • repeat Movered manipulations for the second nostril ;
  • after Washing Sprintscoat into each nostril alternately, at the same time in B.toyo, and release the empty script earlier, it will extend the residues of the liquid and mucus;
  • do not conduct a procedure before bed and walk .

Leaching-run nose-in-baby quickly

Remove the runny nose can be salt solved homemade. Take a small spoonful salt and dissolve her In the glass is filtered boiled water. If the nasal washing will be carried out a baby, then use instead boiled Mineral water without gases. To mitigate, add a knife soda on the tip. Clean the nasal cavity from dirt, eliminate microbes and prevent the virus penetration will help fisherman or furacilin.

If child Small, then wash the nose can only be powered with a solution of pipette. Enter a few drops into one nostril, and then pull out aspirator. Children up to a year it is better to carry out a procedure for specialized solutions. The most secure B. sore kind of solution for washing the nose is fisherman. If you have a compressor inhaler, then dare to kid Mask, breathtaking nose and mouth, add 2 5 ml saline And spend inhalation. Spraying the drug cleans the respiratory tract and gently displays not only the mucus, but also ventilates lungs.

First, consult a doctor. Unauthorized measures can complicate the situation if the baby fell ill with a runny nose. Do not use a narrow spectrum drug to treat inflammatory processes. Washing the nasopharynx by bactericidal compositions, such as a saline solution, will allow not only to clean the nostrils, but also prevent an infectious disease.

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