How to rinse nose

How to rinse nose

The undeservedly forgotten hygienic procedure for washing the nose is a necessary regular method for the prevention of viral infections and diseases of the ENT organs. In India, the procedure is carried out daily along with the face and cleaning of the teeth.

Nose washing relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, removes dust and allergens, mucus. In addition to prophylactic measures, special antiseptic solutions are purified with various diseases:

  • flu;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • hyimorite;
  • allergies;
  • ritin;
  • tonsillitis.

The method of washing the nose "Cuckoo" acquired the name due to the fact that during the procedure it is necessary to utter "ku-ku" to avoid the solution to the larynx. For the procedure, the syringes are needed, antiseptic solution, such as salt, medical pear or a special medical device for suction of the liquid. Held in medical institutions. The procedure occurs as follows: in one nostril, the antiseptic solution is poured with the help of the syringe, and the mucker mucus rolls out of the other. The procedure is not carried out for children up to 5 years and people with contraindications: nasal bleeding, neoplasm, otitis.

The shower for washing the nose "Dolfin" under pressure is washed with pus, mucus and microbes. Complete with the device comes and a solution that consists of marine and food salts, licorice, rosehips. You need to use the device as follows:

  • dial the room temperature solution into the device;
  • lean over the pelvis or sink;
  • pour an antiseptic device through the spout to one nostril so that the liquid flows from another nostril;
  • spend a procedure on the other side;
  • the remaining liquid must be unimbwing into the handkerchief.

In Indian practice, there is a whole philosophy of the proper cleansing of the nose, which has the name "Neti". For the procedure, a special porcelain indian teapot "Neti - Pot" and salt solution are required: Mix a quarter of a small spoonful salt and dissolve it in the kettle in one glass of warm water. The washing procedure is the same as when using the Dolfin device. Only completing the procedure you need 20 sharp exhaust nose.

Muslims are washed with nose, performing religious cleansing before prayer. But from the point of view of medicine, this method of cleansing nasal moves is no less effective than traditional. Thus are performed: gaining water in the palm, pull the nose and remove through the mouth. Repeat 3 times.

Solutions for washing the nose can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare themselves:

  • solutions based on sea salt "Hummer", "Aquamaris", "Nose - Salt";
  • the solution from the food salt is independently manufactured: the third part of the spoon is to dissolve in 1 glat of water;
  • a solution of furaciline or a tablet of the drug dissolved in a glass of water temperature water;
  • infusions of chamomile, Hypericum, turn and calendula.

The procedure for washing the nose must be carried out very carefully - a gentle sensitive mucous membrane of the nose is easy to damage. After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for half an hour, and in the cold season - up to 2 hours, since the solution can delay in the nasal sinuses, and the cold air will provoke an inflammatory process.

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Renata 03/18/2016 at 18:22

i used to rinsed the nose before Aquamaris, but it was all expensive, so I found a new agent for myself.

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