Rinith is the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, in other words, it is a runny nose that has several classifications. The disease can manifest itself as in itself, there are also some other diseases. Often, people are in no hurry to treat rhinitis, because the disease may disappear independently.
Nevertheless, timely treatment of this disease will bring huge benefit to the body. Thanks to special procedures, you will be able to protect it from inevitable consequences, because acute rhinitis can quickly grow into chronic. In addition, the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the nose has a detrimental effect on the supply of oxygen into the body.
Rinita varieties and their treatment
Rinith is a disease that has several classifications. Each of them is formed and develops in its own way. It is worth noting that for each variety, an experienced specialist selects individual treatment.
Acute rhinitis - causes, symptoms, treatment
- Causes of the disease. As a rule, acute rhinitis is manifested together with such diseases as measles, ARVI and flu. The main reason for the development of acute rhinitis is considered to be supercooling. Also on the development of the disease can External irritants affect.
- Symptoms of development. The initial signs are weakness, itching, insufficient oxygen supply to the body, notable changes in the voice, abundant runny nose. You will notice the exacerbation when purulent or blood flux will be out of the nose.
- Treatment method. To carry out the competent treatment of acute rhinitis, it is necessary to comply with the beddown. It is recommended to carry out mustard feet procedures and consume special forceps.
- To remove the edema of mucous membranes, experts recommend several effective vasoconducting drugs. Also, doctors prescribe a number of antibiotics in the form of aerosols and ointments.
Chronic prolonged rhinitis - causes, symptoms, treatment
- The causes of the disease. The protracted rhinitis caused by repeated acute inflammation mucous nasal mucosa. Also, the disease can be long in nature because of the constant exposure to external stimuli. It can be caused by the presence of pus in the long nose, mistakes in the process of circulation, and many other factors.
- Symptoms of development. Identify chronic protracted rhinitis is quite simple. In patients with this disease sometimes present with runny stepping pus. Nostrils laying depending on the position in which the patient.
- Treatment method. The main procedure is the treatment of the nasal mucous membranes moxibustion. This procedure was carried out using special acids and some drugs.
Chronic finished the cure Rhinitis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
- The causes of the disease. This type of chronic disease occurs if treatment is not brought to the end. It can also occur at a constant takeover oxygen with dust, gases or polluted air. Another reason for the transition in the chronic stage of the disease may be in the region of inflammation paranasal sinuses. The main indicator of the disease is considered to be an increase in the size of the nasal mucosa.
- Symptoms of development. At undertreated chronic rhinitis marked pain and heaviness in the head, regular nasal congestion, partial loss olfactory receptors. The mucosa becomes pale pink hue, sometimes with a bluish color.
- Treatment method. As a rule, experts in this situation prescribe nasal lavage with special medicines. nasal lavage will not only help reduce inflammation, but also result in the order of functioning of the mucosa. In addition, regular washing procedure will secure the nose of the patient from diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis.
Allergic Rhinitis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
- The causes of the disease. This classification of rhinitis due to the existence of allergic reactions to environmental factors, such as pollen, fluff, dust, foods or medicines. Allergic rhinitis also can be purchased in the case of stress, as well as hypothermia.
- Symptoms of development. After contact with an allergen into the body immediately the reaction is started. Man constantly sneezes, he scratched his nose, there is a weakness, a bad cold, shortness of breath and watery eyes. As a rule, all these symptoms are formed in the spring time, when flowers and greenery appear dust.
- Treatment method. Avoiding the exacerbation of allergic rhinitis can be completely eliminating the cause of allergy from the vital activity of the body. In the case of an allergic attack, an anti-allergic drug of any origin should be used. If, due to the allergic reaction, the mucous membrane was injured, it is recommended to regularly rinse the nose with special means.
Rhinitis Treatment - Folk Tips
There are several tips how to treat rhinitis by folk remedies. As a rule, this disease is treated with herbs and some foods. Cuts can be prepared independently at home.
- We boil 500 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. Peppermint, then wrap the decoction with a dense towel for 60 minutes. Straighten the healing decoction and take a hot drink at half a glass per day. Optionally, the decoction can be sweeten with 1 tsp. Honey. It is also recommended to clean the cooked decoction.
- In a small container, pour a glass of boiling water, add 1 tsp. Gardening Mccree, then let it be a drink near hour. The prepared decoction gently enter the nose once a day.
- Put on a water bath 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, then mix from 1 tbsp. Fresh carrot juice. Add 4 drops of garlic juice to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Use homemade medicine daily, drip In the nose 2 drops on the nostril. It follows at least 4 times a day.
- Prepare a launch of a mustard powder, for cooking you need to dilute 1 tbsp. Mustard on 5 l warm water. After which dressed warm socks For the next 8 hours.
- Boil 5 tbsp. Repelika in a liter of water, then put tune in a warm place for 4-5 hours. Use the decoction can be exclusively in warm form. At the end of cooking, irrigate the nasal cavity is 2-3 times a day.
Rhinitis to fly by a Moraenazal with a chamomile, he and from green drinks perfectly helps. The little after it becomes much easier, as the swelling
Are these drops or washing? I just switched completely to washing and I really like the effectiveness of this procedure. The nose really begins to breathe from the first procedure, and the mucus goes away. Only I use Dolphin, and it is convenient and it is just for washing. I've been heard for sure about such a drug.
I think rhinitis. I advised the cutlets - I will buy now, because of everything that I tried not helps anything at all! And the sister itself and children treats the plaster
And we are treated and for the prevention of Aquamaster spray. And adults, and kids. It is very convenient to use, the bottle can then be reused. Well moisturizes the nose, dies mucus, flushes all the pathogenic bacteria existing there. We like!
Alisa, and what are you later re-in a bottle of aquamaster pour out, saline? How do you understand this spray on sea water, is it really able to cure runny nose?
Nina, I bought aquamaster, a seaside salt was as a gift, 10 bags. You add it to the bottle and dilute with water, that is, almost 11 bottles! Very economical. And the composition of Aquamaster enters an antiseptic, which is effectively fighting with viruses and bacteria.
I often have rhinitis quite often, it is already chronic. Long searched and picked up a drop for a nose that would not be addictive and to effectively remove the symptoms. In exacerbation, I wash the nose several times a day, I wash the nose with sea water, then dripping the rhinitol EDAS-131 droplets, thus it is possible to quickly remove mortgage, sneezing and tearing.