ORVI is the most frequent, common disease caused by influenza viruses, paragrippa, adeno and rhinovirus, RS infection. Depending on the type of ODVI, some kind of symptoms may occur in the patient: sneezing, cough, runny nose, sore throat and muscle pain, temperature rise. Since this disease is known for its heavy complications, it is important to be able to treat it correctly and effectively.
In order for the course of the disease easily, and recovery came as quickly as possible, it is necessary to observe the bed regime. Physical exertion should be excluded completely. The room in which the patient is located should be well ventured, and the air temperature ideally is 16-18C.
A considerable role plays abundant drinking. During the day it is worth drinking at least 2 liters of pure water, unsweetened compote or tea. Such a number of fluid will help the body to derive toxins, which are considered to be the products of bacterial life, and keep the mucous membranes in the wet state. With a lack of liquid, the mucous membranes and mouth dry up, thereby weakening the "local immunity".
When ORVI often use drops for the nose. They facilitate the patient's condition, removing the swelling of the mucous membrane and reducing the mortgage. But unfortunately, it is absolutely impossible to get involved in vesseloring drops. With frequent and long-term reception, these drugs are able to cause chronic rhinitis, as a result - dependence. Most often, therapists prescribe reception 2-3 times a day no longer than one week.
Antihistamines, they are the same anti-allergic agents, also remove inflammation and swelling of mucous and respiratory tract. Such medicines can be divided into two categories: causing drowsiness (Dimedrog, Tueva, Supratine) and preparations without a similar side effect (phenyatil, Laratodine, Zirtek).
Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs also have a place to be. In addition to the fact that they lower the body temperature, they also remove painful sensations and remove nasty symptoms for a while. A normal adult man is to shoot down the temperature only after the mark of 38.5s. Since only after 38c, the protective mechanism of the body begins to activate faster. For ORVI, the teraflu, paracetamol, diclofenac perfectly suitable.
In addition to the runny nose and cough, a lot of discomfort deliver sore throat. In this time, the turn is unfair for many people with rinsing. To eliminate inflammatory processes, it is better to choose disinfectants and tinkers. A decoction of chamomile, sage, a solution of propolis or furaticiline is perfectly helping, provided that it is not less than once again in two hours. If the throat is inconvenient or too painful, you can use disinfecting sprays: hexoral, bioparox, inhalipte, etc.
Treatment of cough with Orvi typical for any other situation. If the cough is dry, it must be moistened, make a sputum with a more liquid, taking a sufficient amount of drink. If the cough is wet, it is worth taking diluting and expectorant means. It is not categorically recommended to make the appointment, since this frivolity can lead to unexpected consequences.
In parallel with traditional treatment, folk remedies can be used. So, it is the opinion that the use of Luke and garlic is accelerating the death of malicious viruses, and the resorption of the small amount of propolis is accelerating the treatment of sornet. But it is worth remembering that any self-medication should be within a reasonable.
The reason for the emergence of ARVI can be hygiene, poor observance of hygiene rules, weakened immunity and much more. But having a sufficient stock of knowledge about the fight against a non-union, you will be able to overcome this disease quickly and painlessly.
ORVI can not be from supercooling, it is an acute viral infection! I am flying and cold and ORVI equally. If there is a strong cough, then I drink Ambroben, if the throat hurts, then I rinse it soda and salt, and lollipops, and twice twice On the day of Infohal Maja, for the antiviral effect. I drink, I accept ascorbing, well, and a lot of lying.
I do not agree with you. Supercooling is not the cause of ARVI. But this is a factor that weakens the immunity and its ability to deal with infections, which is visible, invisible everywhere.
A good article, yes, the antiviral needs are necessary, I would also advise anything to facilitate the symptoms of ARVI, I myself drink Orvis Flue Evalarovsky.
Immunity to improve must be necessary, but you think about it only when already sick. I have now worried, take Tiloram, drink tea with raspberries in huge quantities and milk with honey. It is already getting better, so it started reading the Internet on the subject of strengthening immunity.
ORVI can not be from supercooling, it is an acute viral infection! I am flying and cold and ORVI equally. If there is a strong cough, then I drink Ambroben, if the throat hurts, then I rinse it soda and salt, and lollipops, and twice twice On the day of Infohal Maja, for the antiviral effect. I drink, I accept ascorbing, well, and a lot of lying.
I do not agree with you. Supercooling is not the cause of ARVI. But this is a factor that weakens the immunity and its ability to deal with infections, which is visible, invisible everywhere.
But it is necessary to be treated! And this way and the complication can be earned!
antiviral with ORVI needs to be drinking. Then the sore will leave faster. I drink inhabirin, comfortably and helps!
A good article, yes, the antiviral needs are necessary, I would also advise anything to facilitate the symptoms of ARVI, I myself drink Orvis Flue Evalarovsky.
"Barscor helps me. I buy it in capsules, they are without taste and smell. Enhances immunity, saturates the body with useful organic compounds
Immunity to improve must be necessary, but you think about it only when already sick. I have now worried, take Tiloram, drink tea with raspberries in huge quantities and milk with honey. It is already getting better, so it started reading the Internet on the subject of strengthening immunity.