How to treat Cocalus

How to treat Cocalus

Poklush disease is considered one of the most common infections in the world. Cocky is sick approximately 60 million people per year. But not each of them is familiar with the treatment of this disease.

Cocklush is an acute infectious disease, which is characterized by an approached spasmodic cough. The main reason for the cough is a bacterium called a cough stick, which is transmitted from man to man with air-droplet. It was in the early stages of the diseases of the cough noise no difference from an ordinary viral rhusing, and it is maximally infected. Than a child younger, the skin is more typical, for the typical manifestation of the disease are special cough attacks that end often with vomiting, stopping the breath. The peculiar feature of the cough stick is that killing it with antibiotics, cough does not pass. That's the complexity of the cough. To cure this disease earlier than in two or three months it is impossible.

A disease begins as ordinary ARS, namely moderate runny nose, temperature - not higher than 38 ° C, then all these symptoms go, and the cough remains. And this cough is enhanced for several weeks and acquires an attacking character. During this attack, the child suffocates, then in most cases vomiting begins. To reduce the number of attacks, there should always be access to fresh air, the child needs to be distracted by new toys and entertain as interesting games for him, and also need to close and turn off the heating sources. The air temperature should not exceed 16 ° C, and air humidity is not lower than 60%. Feed the child follows small portions, but often. During the disease, more often are in the fresh air, because This is the main feature of the treatment of cough, then the disease will be easily and without complications.

Light facets of a cough in older children do not require medication therapy. The use of proteolytic enzyme aerosols is recommended. In severe cases, the cough is shown intensive hydroatherapy, which is carried out with the help of an oxygen tent. Drugs that can ease the treatment of cough is practically no. This is bacterium, so we can kill the microbe only in the first ten or twelve days of the disease. A feature of a cough stick is that it does not produce resistance to antibiotics. Normal, not dangerous erythromycin in tablets or syrup kills a cough stick. All children and adults are recommended, which are closely in contact with patients, treat erythromycin. It is with a cough that the use of antibones antibiotics at the prevention stage will be a powerful means of protecting the surrounding disease.

Phytotherapy for the treatment of cough may be as follows:

  1. Connect in equal proportions: nine and licorice root, primrose, pine buds, sage, mint leaves, calendula color, plantain, St. John's wort and a chamber. Pour one tablespoon of collecting 300 ml boiling water, insist hour. Take 100 ml three times a day.
  2. Pour one glass of boiling water Two tablespoons of lattice grass, negotiate 15 minutes in a closed dish, insist the decoction of 30 minutes. It is recommended to drink 50 ml three times a day.

Herbal collection

Timely, rational integrated therapy gives us, as a rule, good results. If we vaccinate at an early age, we protect exactly in that period when the cough is most dangerous. Vaccination is the only true method of preventing the disease.

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Hannah 09/15/2019 at 11:02.

I was sick of coup .... Imagine a terrible disease. But on the fact everything is completely curable. It is important only to sit at home to infect anyone)) I was helped by the way, tincture on black radish and vodka (took 2k.l. 3 times a day) and syrup (Orvis Broncho Timyan). Gradually, everything went .... When I went to the doctor, and he only praised that she could do without antibiotics and other rubbish)


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