How to treat an angina at home

How to treat an angina at home

Angina is an unpleasant disease that manifests itself with high temperature, sore throat when swallowing and severe complications in improper treatment. Neither an adult organism, nor a children, but there are no adult organism or children, however, there are many nicknames of angina and facilitate severe condition with it. Let's figure out how to treat an angina at home.

What is angina

Angina (tonsillitis) is an acute infectious disease characterized by lesion of the almonds. The etiology of this disease may be viral (complication after influenza, ORVI), fungal (dirty products, caries in the oral cavity) and, most often, bacterial (streptococci, staphylococci).

Symptoms of Angina

For tonsillitis, the manifestation of common symptoms is characterized (chills, a sharp increase in body temperature to 39) and the main:

  • the accumulation of purulent gray-yellow plaque on affected almonds;
  • considerable throat pain during conversation and swallowing;
  • soreness and increase of submandibular lymph nodes.

Basics of treating angina

Simultaneously with the prescribed doctor of medication, the basis of home treatment of angina is observing the bedding and consumption of abundant drinking (at least 2 liters per day), local elimination of pathogenic microflora (pm) with inflamed almonds, improving immunity and strengthening the resistance of the almond slothing causative agents of the disease.

Rinsing at Angina

Rinse the throat is the perfect solution in the treatment of angina. After resorting to this simple procedure, you perfectly remove the accumulated pus in the area of \u200b\u200bGRAND, improve the state of the almond mucosa, reduce the inflammatory process, remove the pain and strengthen the production of local immunity to the disease. Rinse the throat as often as possible by dissolving 1 tsp. In a warm glass of water, any of the funds:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • pharmacy Sea Salt;
  • apple vinegar;
  • rotokan;
  • furacillin solution or 2 dry matter tablets per glass of water;
  • alcohol tinnist Kendul;
  • boric acid;
  • natural bee honey.

For therapeutic rinsing, use decoction of herbs (1 tbsp. L. On 200 ml of water), which have anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. The list of these herbs is great (sage, chamomile, oak bark, eucalyptus, wormwood, calendula, linden, plantain) and can be brewed as separately and mixing at their discretion.

Local impact (lubrication of almonds) on the angina

For the treatment and strengthening of the almond mucosa, use drugs directly on the affected area. For this simple manipulation at home, use a sterile bandage that fasten your arms or handle of a teaspoon on an indicated finger. Lubricate the bint with fir oil, lemon juice, ligol solution, eucalymina, iodixola or chlorophyllip. Treat each almond. Perform such a procedure after rinse.

Inhalation with angina

Inhalation is an excellent addition to the treatment of tonsillitis, performing them, you reduce pain, reduce the reception of drugs, faster buy inflammatory processes, accelerate the organism's recovery. Are you the owner of a modern inhaler? Perform inhalation with a solution of dioxidine, miramistine, chromium. If you do not have a nebulizer - do inhalation by the "Dedovsky way" - inhale pairs of brewed ragger of daisies, sage, eucalyptus, souls or boiled potatoes.

Compresses with angina

Compresses do if you have no temperature and there is no allergic reaction to components. For this procedure, use such solutions:

  • a mixture of alcohol and water (1: 1);
  • vodka;
  • a mixture of dimexide and water (1: 3).

Overlapping the compresses on the submandibular region 1-2 times a day for 30-40 minutes.

Antiseptics (preparations and sprays) for the treatment of angina

The use of local antiseptics (septefril, lizobakt, tonszillete) and sprays for throat (hexoral, inhalipte, bioparox), which have disinfecting, painkillers and antimicrobial actions are justified.

The treatment of angina at home has many options, but do not forget that this disease is cunning and can lead to various complications in the body (nephritis, rheumatism, purulent lymphadenitis, myocarditis). If the first symptoms occur, characteristic of this disease, immediately consult a doctor. Remember that the treatment of any disease is better to approach complex.

Comments leave a comment
Nina 12/21/2019 at 6:16.

With an angina, the throat was most disturbed, so more attention paid to him. Against the pain and infections of rinsing with soda and salt, and in order for the local immunity of the oral mucosa to maintain-from the Lizozyme resorption. It is good that so comprehensively came to treatment, otherwise I would definitely lose my voice.

To answer
Nina 10/02/2020 at 19:50

With an angina, an integrated approach is needed. I usually rinse the chamomile decoction, I do inhalation and try to rest more. And I am also absorbed by the pills of Lizobakt. It is well helped to overcome the infection and strengthen the local immunity.

To answer
Natalia 03/17/22020 at 15:11

Yes, I, too, if you fly the throat, then it is necessary and rinse the throat as often as possible and I absorb the Pastelle sage from the natur product, pain and inflammation decreases, recovery comes faster if it is comprehensively approaching this issue.

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