How to treat scarletin in children

How to treat scarletin in children

Scarlatina is one of the infectious diseases, which is considered "childhood," because they are predominantly children. This infection is caused by a bacterium from the family Streptococcaceae. , or rather - beta hemolytic Streptococcus, and transferred air-drip, as well as contact paths. Therefore, the treatment of scarletins is directed not only to suppress the pathogen, but also to isolation of its source. Consider in more detail the basic principles of the treatment of scarlet in children.

Let's start with how Scarlatina is manifested. The characteristic features of this disease are the sharp start (temperature increase of up to 38-39 degrees, headaches, weakness, sore throat), "Raspberry" language and specific rash (abundant, point, red, in the form of specks protruding above Itchy). It appears by the end of the first day of the manifestation of the disease in the field of the top of the body, the neck and quickly applies to the whole body. After 3-4 days, the symptoms of intoxication and the manifestation of rashes are recession, and from 5-6 days of the disease, the rash is replaced by peeling, which may continue for another 2-3 weeks.

Scarletin treatment is carried out at home, and only in cases of severe child disease are hospitalized. Also, the issue of treatment in a hospital is considered if there is brothers or sisters of preschool (from 3 months to 7 years), as well as initial school age, which have not yet been sick of this disease.

Given the nature of the scarlet transmission, the insulation of the sick child is a paramount event, since it allows to prevent the dissemination of infection among other children. To do this, it is necessary to allocate a separate room and separate household accessories (towel, underwear, dishes). The term of such a home quarantine is at least 10 days, subject to complete recovery. However, to visit the kindergarten or school again will be only 12 days later.

The diagram of the treatment of scarletin in the child is simple and includes 3 main aspects: strict bed regime, dietary food and drug treatment. The restriction of activity in the form of bed modes is scheduled for a period of 7 to 10 days. The diet also implies gentle mode, that is, dishes of liquid or semi-liquid consistency, in a supreme or rubbed form, as well as abundant drinking. It should be noted that the most acceptable food and beverage temperature for the inflamed throat is warm. The term of such a diet for a child - until the state normalization, that is, the same 7-10 days.

In parallel, the basic treatment of scarletines is prescribed to the bed and diet - drug. At present, antibiotics of the penicillin series remain the main weapon against the scarletna, since the causative agent of this infection is most sensitive to these drugs. Mostly the course of receiving the drug is 10 days. At the same time, the drug itself and his dose appoints exclusively by the doctor. In the presence of contraindications to penicillins, drugs of groups of macrolides or cephalosporins can be used. It is also recommended to receive vitamins and antihistamine preparations. There are schemes for the treatment of scarletin and without antibiotics, including rinsing throats by furacilin and tincture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula). However, it is antibiotics that guarantee a safe course of scarlet.

It also should also be noted that during the treatment of scarletin it is very important not to focus on the state of the child and continue the reception of antibiotics even after an element of acute manifestations of diseases. Otherwise, there is a risk that the inflammatory process will go to the ear (otitis), apparent nasal sinus (sinusitis), joints (rheumatism) or kidneys ( glomerulonephritis).

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