How not to get angina

How not to get angina

Angina is a common infectious disease, which is expressed in the inflammation of the almonds. Its reason can be viruses, bacteria or fungi. With the arrival of cold weather and rainy weather, the probability of sick significantly increases. However, if you hold a number of preventive measures, you can avoid the disease. Let's figure it out in more detail, what are the ways of preventing an angina.

To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of this disease. These include:

  • Severe throat pain;
  • Increased body temperature (up to 38-39 degrees);
  • Weakness and general ailment;
  • Soreness in the joints;
  • The appearance of glands on almonds.

Signs of angina are slightly similar to ORZ, but it is worn much harder. In addition, the duration of the disease is from 7 days and higher. It is important to instantly take treatment.

It remains the main question - how not to get angina. First, you need to exclude all possible risk factors. These include:

  • Supercooling;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Overworkability of the body;
  • Reduction of immunity;
  • Large physical exertion;
  • Ear disease, throat and nose.

Remember that bacteria causing the disease (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) are present in the body of each person. And only in the presence of the above factors, they begin to actively multiply, which involves the development of an angina or acute tanzylitta.

Secondly, for the prevention of the disease, it is necessary to constantly strengthen their immunity. In this case, the body will be more resistant to any viruses and bacteria. Do not forget about the daily walks in the fresh air and moderate physical exertion. In addition, the bath and the contrasting souls will help improve the blood circulation and the work of the cardiovascular system.

An important point of maintaining immunity is the proper nutrition. All vitamins and useful substances should be included in the body, so you should reconsider your diet. It should be paid attention to such important aspects:

  1. Do not refuse porridge and vegetables. Eat more raw food than thermally processed is useful for intestinal microflora.
  2. Once a day it is necessary to eat fermented milk products - it normalizes the metabolism, from which the development of protective protein elements depends.
  3. Do not forget about fruits and fresh juices - it is they will help to gain strength and renew the lost energy.

Thirdly, you need to constantly care for the oral cavity and prevent the development of caries. If there is an inflammatory process, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of microorganisms, which can cause an angina. As the prevention of the disease, the throat of chamomile decoction should be ringed, hydrochloric solution with soda. In addition, do not drink too cold drinks, do not allow drafts and do not abuse the operation of air conditioners. Even in the warm season, the risk of angina is extremely high.

Another important rule - try not to contact people who are sick anneas. Remember that it is transmitted by air-drip and to infect her very easily. Therefore, do not use the common kitchenware with the patient, protect the marry bandage (or mask), and the nasal moves periodically smear by oxoline ointment. Also regularly ventilate the room where you are constantly, and moisturize the air with a special device. At work and at home, use aircraft or eucalyptus essential oils - they have a disinfecting effect. To do this, add a few drops of therapeutic agent to any device for aromatherapy - medallion, mask, lamp, etc.

In fact, angina is a very serious disease, as a rule, prolonged treatment with antibiotics. When identifying the slightest symptoms of the disease, you should urgently apply to the hospital in order to avoid complications. But the best way to fight an angina is its warning. Therefore, fulfilling the above-described prevention activities, you definitely do not get sick.

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Ulyana 08/06/2016 at 9:54.

As I did not bother myself, but the throat still began to root and I earned an angina. I don't really like folk treatment methods. But when there is time the throat with a chamomile or sage rinse, and after I absorb the tonsilloten. Here it really helps with an angina.

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Kate 03/12/2017 at 21:36

I myself recently got over. As soon as the beginning began to pour her throat, I immediately at the doctor. He prescribed me to dissolve the antiseptic Lizobakt. The doctor said that this drug does not mask unpleasant sensations, but affects the cause. I really helped well

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Zinaida 10/03/2019 at 18:12

It would seem spring came, and so many of those who are sick around ... I don't want to hurt so I go to the mask.

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Love 11/03/2019 at 20:52

Zinaida, you are well done! And I dress the mask when I was already sick. But this year I did not hurt much, so sometimes the throat made itself felt, but Pastalki Anti-Angground formula saved the situation and discomfort after a while ended. Warm days will come soon and they will forget about sores.

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Dima 16/05/2021 at 10:58.

Now it is not about an angina to think .... There is a lot of things more serious. Therefore, for me the best option is to strengthen the immunity. And not only vitamin C, but also probiotics, because the microflora affects the entire body. I take a tank set of a flap. There are 17 types of probiotic strains, all of which are resistant to acid in the stomach. Even international studies have shown their effectiveness. For me, now it is the best and acceptable option.

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