How to rinse the throat soda

How to rinse the throat soda

A familiar to many since childhood rinsing the throat with soda solution is still competing drug syrup and tableted drugs. It is not worse than pharmacy drugs copes with the swelling of the mucous meal, gently disinfects it and activates the process of wetting the wet. How to properly carry the throat of soda and in what cases it is most efficient? We will answer these questions below.

Considering such a therapeutic effect on the throat mucous membrane, the soda solution will help to cope with the angina and stomatitis, in the throat and the voting weight, will reduce the edema phenomena and the feeling of "coma in the throat". However, it is necessary to consider that such a rinse in the initial stages of the disease is most effectively. Here, we note that soda solution with proper use does not have age limitations and can be used to treat children.

Before you introduce you to the most effective recipes of soda mortar, we recall the technique of rinsing the throat. It is important to remember several key moments. First, rinse the throat only with freshly prepared solution for 4-5 minutes. Secondly, the temperature of the solution should be warm. Thirdly, rinse is worth it to exclude the solution in the stomach, since its mucosa is more sensitive to the components of the solution than the throat mucosa. Fourthly, conduct such medical procedures better after meals, and not eat and not drink anything for half an hour after rinsing.

Recipe for soda solution №1 - basic. This recipe includes only two components: food soda and warm boiled water (1 tsp and 200 ml, respectively). In the children's version of the recipe dose of soda, we reduce twice. Thus, mix the components to completely dissolve soda and use for one throat rinse procedure. At the same time, the day you need to carry out a minimum of 4-5 such procedures with an interval of 1-2 hours. Most often, the base soda solution is used to treat anchina.

Recipe for soda solution №2 - "Children's sea water". This recipe for wellness rinsing includes 4 components: the same 1 tsp. Food soda and 200 ml of warm boiled water, plus 1 tsp. Salt salt and 2 drops of iodine. In contrast to the base, such a soda solution can be made by several techniques, because it can be stored at room temperature up to days without losing therapeutic properties. However, in this case, do not forget to warm it up before carrying out rinsing.


Recipe for soda solution №3 - protein. A very effective solution of the soda and the composition of which are already familiar to us soda and salt (1 ppm), warm boiled water (250 ml) and egg protein. Preparation of such a solution begins with mixing water with salt and soda, after which there is a slightly whipped fork of the protein. The rules for carrying out the rinsing by the protein-soda solution are similar to the rules of rinsing by the basic soda solution.


Recall that the rinse of the throat with a soda solution should not be used in the presence of heart diseases, ulcerative lesions of the stomach, as well as with an increased vomit reflex.

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Leisan 09/12/2017 at 10:03

Maybe there are still such people who, as I can't rinse the throat with soda ... So I can not, immediately the vomit reflex. I absorb in pain in my throat, it is important for me that it treats infections in the throat and the taste is normal.

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Irina 04/22/2019 at 14:39

I am normally relating to rinse, but with sprays tens. Just a vomit reflex and triggers.

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Amina 04/22/2019 at 16:52

I also do not use the sprays for a long time, I have more a loaf or pills for resorption to the soul. Anti-angine formula has proven themselves well, here they buy them, the pain decreases with them.

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Anna 07/16/2019 at 11:57

I rinse the throat with the yodangine powder. It has soda, iodine and extracts of sage and eucalyptus. After rinse, the throat does not hurt so much, he kills microbes and relieves the increasing

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Nina 11/11/2019 at 17:12

Yes, it's ineffective. In order to really throat from any infection and the immune system to improve better any antiseptic tablets to dissolve (Orvis Lizozyme, for example). You can still drink chamomile decoctions ... and rinsing is, well. I never understood their essence.

To answer
Love 12/11/2019 at 1:20

Nina, I do not agree. If you do everything in the complex, then the result will be faster and more efficient. I always rinse when pain in the throat strip it if possible and absorbed the pill sage from natur product, the pain subsides and becomes easier.

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