How to rinse the throat of Mirismine

How to rinse the throat of Mirismine

Miramistin is one of the strongest and efficient preparations. It is used in gynecology, urology, traumatology, dermatology, dentistry, etc. We will consider Miramistin as a solution for the treatment of throat diseases. To get an effect, you need to learn how to apply the medicine correctly.

Rinse the throat helps to eliminate many unpleasant symptoms, such as a sense of dedication, cough, plaque on almonds. To correctly rinse the throat "Miramistin", you should define the dosage and master the principle of rinse. It is also important to learn how to alternate medicine with other herbs. Consider each item in more detail.

Dose. The medicine is produced in different forms - spray and solution. Its action is very powerful, so it is important to correctly determine the dose. For each person she is individual. Children who have not turned three years old, the remedy is diluted with water in proportions 1: 1. Children from three to six years are prescribed three or five milliliters of the drug on one rinse, from seven to fourteen - five to seven. Children from fourteen years old and adults need ten to fifteen millilitres per rinse. To achieve the result, it is important to make three or four times daily procedures daily. The course of treatment lasts from four to ten days.

Rinsing. Do not use a cold form. Throw your head back, but carefully so that the fluid can not get into the nasal cavity. Otherwise, the infection can spread further. Try not to swallow a lot of drug because it can cause harm to the stomach. During the procedure, pronounce the English letter "R". In this case, the root of the tongue is descended, and the inflamed places are better processed. Spice the tool and dial it again several times for the procedure. Cut the rinse for three to five minutes. After that, do not eat and do not drink for an hour so that the drug can have an action.

Alternation. Remember that some dangerous microbes are able to quickly adapt to changes and are not amenable to drugs. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate Miramistin with braveractions of various herbs, salt and soda mortar, etc. It will help you the following recipes.

  • Take one teaspoon of soda and pour it with a glass of warm water. Daily rinse the throat with this agent three to five times.
  • Take half a teaspoon salt and as much soda. Fill them with a glass of warm water. Add four drops of iodine there. Note that the mixture with iodine can not be used to children. Daily rinse the throat two or three times.
  • When the acute manifestations of the disease will fill, start doing procedures with the infusion of chamomile, sage or calendula. Take one teaspoon of grass in a dried form and fill it with a glass of steep boiling water. Give the brand in two hours and straighten it. Squeeze the cake well. Daily rinse the throat for four to five times. For each procedure, it is recommended to brew fresh infusion. The pharmacy can sell liquid ready-made infancy. In this case, take two teaspoons of the funds and dig them in 100 ml of warm water. Rinse is ready.


In some cases, Miramistin may cause a feeling of burning. This feeling is normal and requires the abolition of the drug. For ten to twenty seconds everything passes. The medicine has no contraindications, with the exception of the individual intolerance to one of the components.

Remember that Miramistin is a pretty strong drug that kills not only harmful, but also useful bacteria. Therefore, in case of problems, immediately consult medical attention.

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