How to rinse the mouth chlorhexidine

How to rinse the mouth chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine - antimicrobial antiseptic agent used for the treatment and prevention of various infections. This drug is actively used in surgery, otoloringology and dentistry. Chlorhexidine is successfully used in various throat infections, tonsillitis, fungal infections, gum inflammation, and even in the prevention of caries. Since chlorhexidine can only be used for outdoor use, when ringed should take into account several recommendations.

For rinse, use 0.05% chlorhexidine solution. For greater concentrations of the drug, side effects may appear in the form of strong burning. Alcoholic chlorhexidine solutions are not intended for rinsing.

Apply the drug no earlier than an hour after cleaning the teeth. Chlorhexidine is not compatible with soap and some components, often incoming to the toothpaste. If the teeth are badly contaminated after meals, use the dental thread. Before rinse with chlorhexidine, rinse your mouth and throat with ordinary water to wash away possible residues of food and toothpaste.

Dial a small amount of chlorhexidine in the mouth, about 1-2 tablespoons. Hold the throat or mouth for a minute. We repeat such a rinse 2-3 times a day, or by other times on the recommendation of the doctor, for no more than 3 weeks.
Be careful and careful, this drug can not swallow. With random hit of a small amount of chlorhexidine in the stomach, drink 3-4 glasses of water for rinsing it and several activated carbon tablets. With large volumes of drank medicine - consult a doctor.

If chlorhexidine recommended a dentist to prevent infections after removing the tooth, do not actively rinse the mouth during the first day after the operation. This may damage the blood clot formed in the hole, without which any infection can be accessed into the open wound. To ensure additional oral hygiene in this case, simply type chlorhexidine in your mouth and keep 1-2 minutes, without performing active rosel movements.

To achieve a better antimicrobial and disinfecting action, do not drink anything and do not eat after rinse with chlorhexidine for at least one hour.

Analogs of chlorhexidine can be called Mirisminestin and Corsodil. If the latter is a solution of chlorhexidine, then the possibility of replacing chlorhexidine Miramistin, which has a wider range of action, consult with the attending physician.

Among the side effects of chlorhexidine are allergic reactions, burning sensations and temporary loss of taste, and rarely encountered staining of teeth and seals.
Applying pregnant women and children under 12 years old is recommended only by appointment of a doctor.

Chlorhexidine has established itself as a wonderful disinfecting and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of throat and oral cavity, and is used in medical practice for over 40 years. With proper use, this tool will help cure and prevent many diseases.

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Zoya 12/21/2019 at 6:16.

Well, the infection will kill it, and then what? You won't fake with one rinsing. The local immunity of the oral mucosa is still very important, because it is, in fact, and contributes to recovery. Therefore, I usually also resolve Orvis lysozyme. All together and helps quickly throat in order to bring))

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