How Syphilis is transmitted

How Syphilis is transmitted

Syphilis was famous humanity already v 15om century, and before discoveries antibacterial drugs this is disease it was considered heavy pathology, much shrinking life man. V our time syphilis also distributed everywhere. Basic group riskyoung people v age from 15 before 40 years. Risk infection among women much above, so how microcracks and inflammatory processes in vagina promote fast infectness. but with growth quantity homosexual contacts v last thing time fixed great number cases infection men..

Syphilis symptoms

Syphilis belong to chronic venereal diseases infectious nature.. Disease amazing skin pokrov, internal organs, mucous shell, bone the cloth, nervous system. Infection occurs at finding v organism across damaged cutaneous layer bacteria pale tremponia.

Incubation period diseases make up Z.4 weeks, sometimes this gap of time maybe to be more short815 days. At reception antibacterial drugs v progress treatment other possible diseases incubation period maybe compose before 100180 days. Thus way, directly after infection human on length several weeks not feel express signs diseases, duration of this period also makes it difficult definition source distribution infections.

Basic sign primary syphilisa is an education v region half. organs, anal holes, on gubakh or v oral cavities ulcers (shankra). At first she looks like pink spin on skin or mucous, then transformed v papul and laterv ulce. How rule, laying month a place defeat delayed, what gives patient false performance o recovery. After healing shankra becoming  period secondary syphilisa. On skin pokokov patient appear rash, worsen dream, appetite, occurs a loss weight, concerned frequent head and joint pain. If sick not gets relevant treatment, process maybe go v late syphilis, characterized heavy lesion internal organs, head brain, nervous disorders, paralychs, loss hearing, blindness, what v total leads to lethal exodus.

can get infected syphilis

  • At polov act.Sperm and selection women half. organs present comfortable wednesday for vital activity pathogen diseases, therefore unprotected sexual contact is an most. common fashion infection.
  • Across saliva.If rash localize in rTU or on gubakh patient, pale treplema contains v his slyuna. Such cases present risk infection at deep kisses, when occurs contact roth cavities.
  • Across blood.WITH first day infection blood patient man contains bacteria pale tremponia. Possibility shows diseases at overflow blood or transplantation organs quite mala, insofar as such medical interventions conducted under careful control. More probable fashion infection across blood is an usage syringe together with patients man, for example v group narkomanov. Also full maybe get infected syphilis at damage skin pokrovov in time sessions manicure, pedicure or medical procedures v case violations rules sanitary processing tools.
  • Infection byetov path.Outdoor manifestations diseases (papula, rash, ulcers, erosion) are straight sources infection. Straight contact with carrier diseases leads to infection syphilis at presence microcracks and other damage skin healthy man. Possibility infection across usage household objects (towels, dishes, comb, razor accessories) exists at near contact with patients v period 1Z. months flow diseases.
  • At pregnancy and breast feeding.In time pregnancy disease transfer pour intrauterine from sick women. Also very high is an risk infection newborn v process rodov. Pathogen diseases detected v breast milk sick women, therefore exists probability infection child at feeding breast.

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