How AIDS is transmitted

How AIDS is transmitted

AIDS is the deadly Beach of the XXI century. His distribution reaches many cities and continents. It suffers and dies countless people and most importantly, we all are in the risk group. But, as you know, who is warned, he is armed. Therefore, in order to somehow save yourself, in this article we will consider ways to disseminate such a serious illness.

What is AIDS.

AIDS (acquired immune deficit syndrome) - a disease that develops against the background of the acquisition of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and contributes to the fall in the body of the number of lymphocytes, the emergence of infections, as well as tumor diseases. AIDS is the final stage of the development of HIV infection.

How AIDS is transmitted

Methods for infection with HIV infection are now studying almost thoroughly, and scientists already know exactly how you can catch this virus. All AIDS distribution channels can be conditionally divided into 3 categories.

Blood in blood

Infection in this way can occur due to:

  • Injection injection with an infected syringe or a drug filter (use of non-disposable needles or using one multiple individuals). Most often, in a similar way, infection occurs in those who use narcotic substances and do not follow the hygiene needle use.
  • Transfusion of infected blood in a medical institution.
  • Organ transplants.
  • Ingressing infected blood on damaged skin, wounds or mucous membranes.
  • Use of common utensils for washing the syringe and the manufacture of drugs.
  • Application of piercing and tattoo with non-sterile tools.
  • Application of non-sterile medical equipment.

Sexual contact

The transfer of HIV infection with sexual contact (homosexual, heterosexual) - during intercourse, the virus, which is contained in the vaginal secrecy and sperm, penetrates into the human body through the skin microtraums, or through the mucous membrane.

From mother to child

Mother can infect her child with HIV infection in the period:

  • Pregnancy.
  • When feeding a breast child with his milk.
  • During directly childbirth.

The myths associated with the transfer of AIDS

Although almost all are known about HIV infection methods, the myths about its spread exist so far. So that there is no doubt, as it is possible and how it is impossible to get sick, dispel these false perception times and forever. HIV is not transmitted through:

  • kisses;
  • through sleeping facilities, clothing, shoes, dishes and other household items;
  • general areas of use, like pools, saunas, baths, etc.;
  • bloodsowing insects (mosquitoes, etc.);
  • hugs and handshakes.

The immunodeficiency virus dies in the water and environment. It is not transmitted through saliva and healthy skin.

AIDS is a dangerous illness, with which you can not joke. To somehow save yourself, you need to observe a few simple rules: when you use a condom to use a condom, be very attentive and meticulous in medical, cosmetology institutions, reduce the appearance of open wound and damage on the skin, not to use non-sterile syringes. If you are attentive to your health, then HIV infection will cost you a party.

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