From what papillomas appear

From what papillomas appear

Papilloma is a benign education on the human body. There are about 600 varieties of viruses by papillom. It is a virus that causes the appearance of small neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes. In this article we will find out what papillomas appear from.

Infecting through blood

If you have never had such elements on the skin before, then the appearance of papillomas is associated with virus infection. Pay attention to your sex life, usually similar microorganisms are transmitted during unprotected sex. In addition, HPV is transmitted from the mother to the child through the generic paths. It is worth noting that not always an infected person will see characteristic convex education on the body. Only a slight piece of papilloma viruses causes changes in the skin.

The hike to the dentist and the gynecologist can cause the appearance of a papilloma on the mucous membranes and the skin. That is why take a disposable observation kit to the gynecologist with you. Track the disinfection of tools in the dental office. If you have herpes on your lips or stomatitis in the mouth, set aside the campaign to the dentist.

From what papillomas appear

Microtrauma and contact method

It is possible to infected with a virus with a domestic path through microtraums on the skin. Therefore, if a infected person lives at home, it is desirable to use one-time overlays on the toilet and not eat from one dish, because the virus is also transmitted through saliva. In addition, scientists believe that women who take oral contraceptives are found in the risk group. Smoking also provokes the appearance of papillom.

From what papillomas appear


If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, use condoms and be sure to hand over the smear to HPV every 6 months. When the virus is detected, it is worth finding out its type, and whether it belongs to the number of oncogenic. If HPV is dangerous, then you will have to hand over the stroke to cytology to make sure there is no cancer cells and dysplasia.

Oncogenous types of virus

If you notice a papilloma on mucous membranes or on the genitals, seek medical attention. This kind of display can serve as preconditions for the emergence of cancer. It oncogenic types of papilloma virus (type 16 and 18) cause dysplasia and cervical cancer. Expel foreign residents from the body will not be able, but to improve the immune system and remove the display as possible. To do this, the doctor prescribe antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.

Pregnancy and papilloma

When planning a pregnancy are screened for the presence of HPV. If the laboratory markers detect the virus, you must undergo treatment to the baby as it passes through the birth canal is not infected. It is best to start of sexual activity to be vaccinated (Cervarix) against HPV, which causes cervical cancer. In such a case, even during sexual intercourse with an infected man, you will not become infected with the virus.

Remember, papillomavirus does not appear by themselves, they are responsible for the presence of HPV in the body. Oncogenic types found in blood cells and alter DNA. The simplest papillomavirus does not penetrate into the DNA, and affect only the skin.

Comments leave a comment
Karina 12/24/2020 at 2:04

Yes, catch papillomavirus is very easy. I read somewhere that it have the vast majority of the people present in the blood. But if the immune system is strong, not papillomavirus climbs. And those that have got out, can be removed with the help of pharmacy Verrukatsida. I once its papilloma this drug greased and they were gone in about a week.


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