How to get rid of papillom

How to get rid of papillom

The reason for the appearance of a papilloma is a human papilloma virus. It is located in the body of many people who are not even suspected of it. Over time, small growths begin to occur on the skin, which causes patients to contact doctors.

The papilloma virus is very dangerous because the formated growths can become malignant. There are many ways to treat this disease. First, contact the dermatovenerologist and pass the tests. You will be prescribed a medicine complex that will destroy viruses and strengthen the immune system, as a result of which external growths will disappear. To fully cure, it is necessary to take medicines from about two to six months. If you want to quickly get rid of papillom, you can apply some more ways.

Electro-mapping is the most famous method for removing neoplasms. It consists in causing problem areas with a current, which makes the protein fabrics turn out. Its disadvantage is the risk of scarring and repeated growths at the place of removal. To eliminate papillomas from the surface of the mucous membranes, use the procedure of cryotherapy, which is freezing the growths with liquid nitrogen. In this case, the applicator pre-dipped in liquid nitro is applied to problem places. The neoplasms are hardening, darken and gradually separated from the skin. The most modern and neat way is laser destruction. It allows you to remove papilloma cells, not hurt healthy fabrics. The method does not leave scars.

There are folk ways to papilloma. One of the most effective is Cleptela juice. Take the plant and cut it with small pieces, then squeeze juice. Lubricate the growths twice a day until they disappear completely. First, the formation will be filled, then cover with a crust and hear. If suddenly papilloma is swollen - do not be afraid, it is characteristic of some formations before the disappearance. Gradually, swelling will fall, and the thigh will disappear. Complete disappearance will come in a few months.

To get rid of papillom on the face or on the mucous membrane, use aloe juice. It is more gentle - moisturizes and nourishes gentle skin, destroying the growths. Let's squeeze a little juice and apply it to a problem place. As an alternative, castor oil is suitable.

Recipe-Aloe C-Honey1

Garlic ointment is also a good way to get rid of papillom. Take 5 g of chopped garlic and mix it with 10 g of neutral cream. Finding the composition for gauze and bind to papilloma. You can fix the leucoplasty impregnated with gauze. Keep the bandage for four to five hours. Then remove it and rinse the skin with soap with warm water. Do this procedure every day for a month.

After successful treatment, ensure the resistance of the body to the transferred disease. Take care of the improvement of immunity. Take vitamins and minerals. Eat more high-quality foods - proteins, vegetables, fruits, greenery and fermented dairy products. Be sure to include in your diet with potassium content (potatoes, nuts, oat and buckwheat). Drink herbal infusions and decoctions. Swimming, hardening and contrasting souls will also help you grow up. Make your lifestyle more active and learn to relax before bedtime.

All of the above procedures must be applied only in a comprehensive treatment with drug treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the virus. These methods will help you quickly get rid of the growths and strengthen your body.

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Katerina 07/08/2019 at 13:35

Papillomas well removes a throttle. I in the fight against them a variety of funds managed to try. But some unbearably harness, there is no sense. But the throttle of course, but tolerant. And papillomas quickly displays.


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