How to get rid of dry corns

How to get rid of dry corns

Life takes place in motion, constantly on the legs, and therefore corn are frequent human satellites. Dry corn - this is a thicker of dead cells resulting from mechanical pressure. The reasons for their formation are different: close shoes, hormonal failure. Humanity is getting rid of corns with different methods.

Medical preparations. Place your feet in hot water. Welcome a towel dry. Apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bsalicyl ointment or keratolithic gel. Attach a medical plaster with salicylic acid or cellophane package.

Hardware procedure. In the cabin you will be offered 3 effective services:

  1. Cryotherapy. Affect the corn with liquid nitrogen for half a minute. After a few days, the burned cells are peeled.
  2. Laser therapy. The procedure is shown at a severe degree of growth of the outflow and in the presence of fungal infection. Use anesthesia for anesthesia. Laser is sent to the sore place. The thermal wave "burns" the corn and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Hardware pedicure or manicure. The destruction of small corners is carried out by a special apparatus with diamond nozzles.

Use of vitamins. The epidermis layer restores Vitamin A. Path per day 1 cup of carrot juice, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Folk methods. There are about 50 different methods. The most common and efficient:

  • The procedure is carried out at night. Take one layer of the bouquet. Put it on the corn and tie the bandage. We wash with water in the morning, treat with pimples. Sessions prior to the disappearance of the problem.
  • Spare a sore place in hot water. Cut the aloe sheet in half. Attach corn and bother. In the morning, rinse this place.
  • Prepare a bath with vinegar solution. Mix 2 l warm water with 200 ml of 9% vinegar. Keep corn in it 50-60 minutes.
  • Prepare a salt bath. Dissolve 2 tbsp. Food soda in 1200 ml of water. By time, the procedure lasts 20 minutes. The number of sessions - from 5 to 10.
  • Put 100 g of prunes without bones in a saucepan and add 1-2 l of milk. Boil 30 minutes. Remove the berries and lower the corn into the water for 30 minutes. Prunes to bother, wrap towel overnight.

Corn spoils aesthetic appearance and brings discomfort to the owner. Wearing orthopedic shoes will help prevent this trouble. Treatment takes time. Whatever the option of getting rid of the hopes you have chosen if the problem does not pass, contact the doctor. They sometimes cause serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus.

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Olga 12/03/2020 at 23:01

Wearing poor-quality and uncomfortable shoes, as well as loss of moisture in the skin, lead to the appearance of corns, holopal and layers on the skin. In order to avoid all this using urms, which due to the urea part of the composition, keeps moisture in the upper layers of the skin, and also contributes to the removal of horny layers. Therefore, in recent times, I do not have corns.


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