How the windmill is passed

How the windmill is passed

A chickenpox is considered a virus that every person is sick at a small age. But still there are few people who have never experienced in life for themselves. The virus is so dangerous that even the most minimal contact with the sick person may be infectious. From the moment of infecting a man with a windmill before the emergence of the first signs of the disease passes about two weeks. Further, the whole body is covered in a kind of rash, which in turn causes very unpleasant itchy sensations. Literally per day, red spots turn into liquid bubbles. Then after a few days, bubbles spontaneously burst and covered with a crust. Next, after 7-14 days, the crust disappears.

How the windmill is passed

A person who has never been sick in his life with a windmill has every chance of infection, for this you just need to be near the "hearth" of the virus.

There are several ways to transfer the virus:

  • Be careful when you find a sick person at a distance of less than one meter. Cough, sneezing at the time of communication allocate a huge number of bacteria that can infect any other organism.
  • Kisses with loved ones are also considered one of the ways to transfer windshield.
  • Also worth avoiding bodily contact. During the activity of the disease, the patient is covered with peculiar bubbles that can be contagious.
  • Things and items that use the patient during the disease can also harm the person, never sought the windmill. In order to get a wind inspiration, you just need to touch the thing or the object to the eye, lips or nose.

It is worth noting that the sick of the windmill in the first period of the disease does not even realize the presence of the disease. Therefore, he leads the usual way of life, not even guessing that it is a direct carrier of the virus. It is important to know that people over 18 years old must be under the scrutiny of a specialist for the time of illness.


Symptoms of chickenpox

In the first days of illness, the patient feels chills, weakness, common ailments and temperature. After a couple of days, numerous red bubble rashes appear, which are very sacrificed. They appear literally throughout the body of the patient.

Children are most difficult during a wind siege. It is very difficult for them to cope with this feeling. They will be cushed to get rid of discomfort, but unfortunately only aggravate the situation, and rash covers the whole body.

For the health of a child who regularly visits pre-school educational institutions needs to be followed particularly carefully. In the kinders there may be carriers of the virus, which he still did not appear.

Signs of the windmill are the following states:

  • the temperature increases to 38 degrees and above;
  • the patient throws it into the heat, then in the cold;
  • sharp weakness of the body and the decline of forces;
  • often felt abdominal pain;
  • sharp loss of appetite;
  • dizziness and pain;
  • excitability, feeling of fear and mood change;
  • red rashes that are constantly squeezed.

In order to cure chickenpox, it is not necessary to access specialists. The windmill is an independent disease, it itself appears and in itself retreats.


How is the treatment of windmills

The treatment of chickenpox turns out to be individually, depending on the symptoms of the disease in the patient. Temperature may not go to more than a week.

  • At temperatures more than 38 degrees, antipyretic medications should be given.
  • The most important task in the fight against the windmill is close attention to changes in rash. It is impossible to be allowed that they bended, otherwise it can lead to different complications.
  • The rashes must be treated with special solutions, as well as green and by any other antiviral means.
  • You can also take a bath, but in no case can you use washcloth and soap.
  • If the title feelings do not give rest, then you can give a patient 1-2 Tablets of the antiallergic agent.


Complications of windmill

Complications caused by illiterate treatment may be the most different. In order not to aggravate the position of the patient, it is recommended to urgently ask for help from a specialist. A variety of complications may harm on the brain and other organs.

Also, one of the most unpleasant complications may be scars that are formed on places of incorrect processing of rash.

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