How to treat red spots

How to treat red spots

The appearance of red spots on the body may accompany many reasons. These can be various diseases or allergic reactions to something. The history of the formation of red spots in the human body is individual, it has its own causes of education, symptoms and methods of treatment.

The reasons for the formation of red spots

In order to choose the right treatment, you must first understand the reasons for the formation of red spots. A competent specialist will help you in solving this issue. It is a qualified medical worker at a full examination that will be able to suggest which tests should be taken to decide the correct diagnosis.

Violation of the functioning of the nervous system and constant stress

The loss of psychological balance is one of the reasons for the formation of red spots on the skin. The presence of various kinds of experiences can lead to vegeto-vascular dystonia, which further contributes to the appearance of red rashes.

A manifestation of an allergic reaction

Red rashes are the main sign of the manifestation of an allergic reaction in the human body. It can manifest itself from any medications, products or elements of the environment. In such cases, it is recommended to pay attention to related symptoms. With regular consumption of allergen, there is a risk of a disease of the skin and the development of a hereditary allergic reaction. In such situations, the reaction to an allergen can cause tremendous harm to human health. During an attack, the patient begins to feel the state of discomfort in a matter of seconds, literally immediately his skin turns red and covers with numerous rashes, which as a result causes severe itching. In such situations, you should immediately call an ambulance medical Help to avoid a deterioration in well -being.

The presence of infection in the body

There are three types of infections, each has individual development. Experts determine the type of infection after a full examination of the patient, since the location of rashes on the body plays an extremely important role.

  • Viruses. It is quite simple to determine the presence of a virus in the human body, since the units of diseases have the properties to manifest through rashes, these include measles, chickenpox and rubella. People who have any of the listed diseases should be protected from society in order to exclude exacerbations.
  • Bacteria. As a rule, a bacterial infection is based on the presence of gram -positive bacteria. They cause diseases such as streptoderma and other similar infections of the skin.
  • Fungi. Some fungal diseases can cause the formation of red spots on the human body. Redness can cause lichen or thrush, regardless of sex accessories.

Violation functioning immune system

This type of virus includes a disease of small vessels and red lupus. With such viruses, red rashes usually appear at an early stage. Because immunity is not able to recognize the virus, it inflicts damage to itself, which contributes to repeated formations of red spots.

The reasons

Methods of treating red spots

In order to choose the correct method of treating red spots, you should contact a qualified specialist. Using a visual inspection and a number of necessary tests, a disease will be established. Treatment will take place due to the exclusion of activating exacerbation of allergens. A list of medications can also be prescribed that can eliminate the appearance of red spots, itching and inflammation in general.

Traditional medicine against red spots

  • A product for thrush. Combine the series, black elderberry, St. John's wort, celandine and calamus root in a deep container. The listed ingredients are used at 15 grams per each. Next, add corn stigmas, lingonberry leaves, field horsetail for 10 g for each product. Mix all the components thoroughly, then pour the contents of 1 liter of water and add 3 tsp. collection. The prepared mixture must be insisted within 3 hours. Consume herbal Tincture no more than 2 times a day for 100 ml.
  • Remedy for lichen. Gently cut the cabbage sheet of medium size, spread it with sour cream and attach it to the affected skin. It is necessary to hold the cabbage compress until completely rash, then repeat the procedure.
  • Remedy for allergic reactions. Fill the container of 200 ml of hot water and add 1 tbsp. Tsvetkov of an explanatory. Wrap the tincture with a dense towel, then let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished drink and consume a hot broth 5 times a day of no more than 100 ml.
  • Remedy for eczema. In a jar filled with 1 liter of hot water, add 3-4 tbsp. Chamomile. The finished tincture must be allowed to brew for 1 hour. Next, you should regularly drink warm infusion several times a day.

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