How to treat gender herpes

How to treat gender herpes

The herpes virus is an infection that can accompany a person throughout his life path. Treatment of this infectious disease is possible, but may cause some difficulties.

Symptoms of sex herpes

Symptoms of sex herpes several It is difficult, since this infectious disease is able to exist in a hidden state and only in exceptional situations to make themselves felt.

The rash of herpes in women is most often formed in the following places:

  • around the anal hole;
  • inside and outside the vagina;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervix;
  • in the field of buttocks.

Men's rashes appear:

  • on the scrotum;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal opening or hips;
  • on a member head.

Nevertheless, there are several symptoms talking about the presence of an infection in the body:

  • Noticeable itching and redness, accompanied by strong burning in the groin area.
  • The formation of a small amount of bubbles filled with transparent liquid.
  • A few days later, bubbles are bursting, then covered in a kind of crust.
  • Unpleasant sensations during urination.
  • The presence of purulent secretions in representatives of the fine sex.
  • Noticeable painful Increased lymph nodes in the area of \u200b\u200bpaha.
  • Sometimes there is a weak state, powerlessness.

Diagnostation sex herpes

Genital Herpes may be active, and may not even give themselves to know before a certain point.
As a rule, herpes virus flowing in a hidden form is almost impossible to detect, if you do not pass a number of special analyzes.

It is impossible to cure an infectious disease independently, therefore, if there is a suspicion for the presence of genital herpes, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, otherwise the disease can take a chronic character. Only a qualified doctor can determine the type of herpes, followed by an effective treatment.

Treatment of sex herpes with medical preparations

At the beginning of treatment, you need to use ointments and pills that helps the immune system to cope with the virus:

  • Aciclovir“;
  • Lizavir“;
  • Zoviraks“;
  • Phenistil“;
  • Valtrex“;
  • Penciclovir“;
  • Amixin“;
  • Interferon“.

These drugs are recommended to use at least 10 days and no more than a month. Due to these ointments and tablets, you can prevent initial manifestation and further spread infections.

Treatment of sexed herpes drugs - instruction scheme

Reception of medical instruments when infecting sex herpes

Name of a medical device Dosage Treatment period
"Acyclovir" 1 tablet no more than 5 times a day 2 weeks
"Zoviraks" ointment 6 times a day Week 1
"Amixin" 1 per day 3 days

Reception of medical drugs with progressive genital herpes

Name of a medical device Dosage Treatment period
"Acyclovir" 2 tablets no more than 5 times a day 2 weeks
"Amixin" 1 Tablet 1 time per week 60 days
Herpety vaccine Enters 1 time per day, no more than 0.2 mg. Used after prior treatment. 2 weeks

It is worth noting that pregnant women treat and prevention genital Herpes is contraindicated. If the infection is activated, it is necessary to contact your doctor for detailed advice. As a rule, each trimester of pregnancy, a woman is administered intravenously immunoglobulin, the inhibitory manifestations of genital herpes, not rare doctors recommend taking " Viferon“.

Treatment of sexher herpes by people

There are several people's ways to combat genital herpes:

  • Solution from the tea tree oil. Run 10 drops of oil in 500 ml of warm water. Within 10 days, use the genital organs, it is desirable to do it for the night.
  • Collection of herbs. Mix herbal Collection with 400 ml of warm water, put on a small fire for 5-10 minutes. Remove from the fire and give the brave get cold to room temperature. Perform the genital generation once a day for 14 days.
  • Infusion turn. This recipe is applied at the initial stages of infection to remove itching and burning. Mix 10 grams of a series and 200 ml of hot water, let the ingredients within an hour. Next, it is necessary to strain the prepared infusion and apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for 15 minutes.
  • Camomile tea. It will help to relieve painful feeling and stop the inflammatory process. Divide 5-10 grams of dry collection in 250 ml of boiled water, mix thoroughly and let it brew within an hour. Processing the affected areas need no more than 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Sea salt. Fill the bath with 10 liters of hot water, add 60 grams of sea salt and mix thoroughly. Wait for the water a little cool, then sit around for about 45 minutes. The procedure must be carried out daily, for about 2 weeks.
  • Tincture root Echinacea. The cooked remedy will help strengthen the immunity. Mix 30 grams of crushed root and 120 ml of alcohol, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Leave the product to strengthen about 6-7 days. Next, thoroughly strain the finished infusion and consume 20 drops, 4 times a day for 2 months.

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