Red spots on the fingers of the hands, how to remove

Red spots on the fingers of the hands, how to remove

The skin is a health indicator. If red spots appeared on her fingers, it may indicate onlisting allergies and disease internal organs. Surface treatment of the skin will be temporary effect. If in the future the problem will not be returned, then it can be limited to symptomatic treatment.

Pherrow help

Drink Tablet antihistamine preparation of a wide range of action. Innocuous medical products from allergy symptoms are drugs " Loratadin" and " Diazoline" The first is prescribed even to children after vaccinations or to reduce the reaction of the body on the bite insect. Before use, carefully examine the instructions, in particular the section "Contraindications". At the first manifestations of allergies, contact your doctor, let them send you to the examination.


If stains do not pass and accompanied by burning or strong itching - contact an emergency medical care. A specialist will examine you. In the event of an acute need for place, analyzes will be analyzed to determine the diagnosis and prescribe prophylactic treatment.

Causes of the appearance of red spots on the fingers hands

About 60% of irritations on the skin of the hands appear after a long contact with aggressive means of household chemicals. In 35 % Slaves appear on the background of allergies for food or cosmetic drugs. And only 5% indicate onsupport serious Diseases.

Possible causes of red spots on the fingers of the hands:

  • supercooling in the winter season;
  • allergy;
  • nervous voltage - excessive excitability and excitement can cause severe on hand;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • sclerodermia - inflammation of the connective tissues as a result of weak immune protection;
  • late and unbalanced nutrition;
  • reaction to household chemicals.

Treatment and prevention

Several tips will help localize the rashes and subsequently get rid of the problem at the root:

  1. Exclude products from the diet, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Wash dishes and clean vegetables in rubber gloves.
  3. Divens menu of seafood and meat, fermented milk dishes And greens.
  4. Discard coffee, strong tea, alcohol and energy.
  5. In the winter season, moisturize the skin of the hands with a nourishing cream.
  6. Use liquid soap with chamomile extraction or videos for daily skin care.
  7. In winter, hide your hands in gloves or mittens, do not allow freezing.
  8. Make oil wraps. To prepare the composition, take 1 teaspoon of peach tree bones and cocoa. Mix the oils to homogeneity and heat the steam bath to a temperature of 40 oC. Soak the mixture of gauze gasket and attach to stricken Plot of leather. Wrap your palm of glossy food film, then a towel. Compresses superimpose daily, before bedtime. If after 7. 10 days of stains did not pass, consult a doctor.

The above councils are advisory and cannot be regarded as a medical conclusion and purpose. If your organism bIt Trevogu and tells you about problems inside with rashes on your fingers - contact your doctor for qualified medical advice.

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