Cones on the fingers - hygromy

Cones on the fingers - hygromy

The hygroma does not apply to rare diseases. Especially often she is observed on the fingers. In fact, this is a cyst. It looks like a ball under the skin filled with a jelly-shaped mass, but it happens that there is a serous fluid inside it with a small amount of blood. The skin itself almost does not change, except that sometimes becomes rough. Experts believe that the reason for its appearance is the constant injury to a certain place on the fingers. Proof of the correctness of this statement is the fact that the hygroma is mainly arising in people working with fingers - violinists, pianists, Shvent.

It is initially noticed, because It does not hurt, but as heralding, tingling, numbness, and then pain appear. May contain one or more capsules. Once this feature of the tumor is related to single and multi-chamber. The single-chamber cyst is inelastic, and the multi-chamber has lateral branches and grows inside. So, if a bump appeared on the finger, even the inconvenience that does not give you, it must be treated, otherwise accidentally damaging it, you can provoke inflammation with suppuration.

When contacting a doctor, you will most likely recommend to undergo diagnosis. It is carried out in the form of an X-ray study, but if a specialist has any doubts about the benignness of education, they can take puncture. During this procedure, a long needle is used, with the help of which the contents of hygromas are pumped out, and then in the laboratory make its biochemical analysis. Depending on the results prescribe treatment.

The hygroma is treated using several methods:

  • physiotherapeutic;
  • operational;
  • folk;
  • puncture.

The physiotherapy method is used if the hygroma is just beginning to be formed. In this case, it is successfully cured by paraffin applications, electrophoresis, compresses with medicinal mud. All these procedures improve blood circulation, promoting cyst resorption.

The operational method of treating hygromas is the most effective. The operation is performed in two ways: the gangulia is fully excised, the laser capsule is removed. In the first case, the operation takes only 20 minutes, the anesthesia is local, but if the case is running, then the cyst is removed under general anesthesia. Days after 7-10 wounds completely heals. Removal of education with a laser is a relatively new method. Healthy fabrics are not affected, recovery comes faster, there is practically no complications.

There are also many ways to fight a hygroma - this is wrapping, and tincture, and compresses:

  • A decoction of lilac flowers is applied to the tumor in the form of a compress, a 60% alcohol solution passed through a meat grinder Fizalis fruits, chestnut, crushed wormwood.
  • They apply a cake on the cyst, cooked from honey, crushed leaves of scarlet and flour.
  • Lubricate the sick place with chopper juice.
  • Effectively acts a mixture of 1 eggs with 100 g of wine vinegar. Egg, filled with vinegar, 4 days are kept in a dark cool place. During this time, the shell dissolves. The egg in the film needs to be removed and pour into another dishes of the yolk, and then beat, mix the vinegar, the remains of the shell, 100 g of the turpidar to it. Everyone should be placed in a dark-color container, close tightly, put in the refrigerator.
  • Dissolve salt in hot water (0.5 l). When the solution cools, the rag from wool tissue is wiped into it, they wipe the hygroma, then apply dry cloth, compress paper, grind up the bandage and leave it all night. The procedure is repeated 10 days in a row.
  • For a month, we have been advised to wear a plate from copper or copper coins back to the patient, making clay appliques - red or blue.

Remove the hygroma and with the help of puncture, i.e. The syringe is pulled out of the capsule all its contents and impose a tight bandage. There is a significant drawback from the method - everything can go back, because The shell remains.

Let's summarize: the hygroma is a benign tumor, but in a launched state can deliver a lot of trouble. In order not to bring to extremes, it is better at the first signs of her appearance to hurry to the doctor.

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